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When Brendon wakes up the next morning, he just feels sad and kind of stupid, but he decides not to think about it too much and just go on with his day like he usually does.

He walks into the kitchen and makes himself some coffee and toast and while he waits for his toast to be done, he puts on his phone and scrolls through his social media. He sees that he has a text from Dallon, but he doesn't open it just yet. He didn't want it to be another stupid excuse.

While sipping his coffee, Brendon suddenly remembers that Dallon wanted to tell him something and he wondered what it was. He hoped that it was something good and not that Dallon didn't want this arrangement anymore because Brendon really didn't wanna say goodbye to this luxurious lifestyle already.

He really liked being able to wake up and drink expensive coffee and look out over New York City. He liked his rainshower and his sound system that worked in every room. And he also liked the expensive dates Dallon took him on and the way he seemed to show Brendon off when they were going to Dallon's business dinners.

He really liked his new life.

Brendon turns around as he hears the toaster and he grabs his toast, burning his fingers slightly and making him groan in pain. He throws the piece of bread onto a plate and butters it.

Then he takes his coffee and toast outside and just shivers lightly in the cold morning air, as he looks out over the city that he'd grown to love, from the moment he'd gotten there.

It was just so different from Las Vegas and Brendon liked it. It was still busy and there were still a lot of tourists, but it just felt different to Brendon.

He takes in a deep breath and takes a bite of his toast. Today was gonna be a good day.
Okay, so maybe today wasn't gonna be good. It was around 1 pm right now and Brendon had already dropped his coffee twice, he had hit his knee on the corner of the coffee table and right now he was being forced to go shopping with Sarah, but it wasn't the fun kind.

This was the kind of shopping that meant that Sarah was pulling Brendon into all these stores she liked, she would dump all her clothes in his arm and then -with every outfit- she would ask him for his honest opinion at least 3 times.

"Brendon, stop whining and just come with me, you know you like shopping with me!" "Well, at this point my arms are getting tired and you have at least 5 new outfits!"

Brendon rolls his eyes and walks after Sarah, who walks into yet another clothing shop. He just sits down on a chair near the dressing rooms and waits for Sarah to finally be done looking for even more clothes she liked.

He was tired and he just wanted to go home but he knew that his best friend would get angry if he did.

The best way to get through this was to just compliment her on all her outfits, just walk after her and do what she was saying.

He usually loved going shopping and especially with Sarah, but he was actually still kind of bothered by Dallon just leaving like that and him being gone for 2 whole weeks.

"Brendooooon," Sarah says and she snaps her fingers in front of his face until he seems to get back to reality. He hadn't even realized that he was staring at the floor.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" "Okay, so do you think I could pull off a leopard print, or do you think that that's too much?" "I think you could actually pull it off."

And honestly, he isn't even joking about it. Sarah was really pretty and she could probably pull everything off.

"Yeah, now you're just staring at me." "Sorry, you're pretty," Brendon answers and Sarah blushes a little.

"Aww, thank you!" "Just telling the truth." "I swear, you've got to stop." "What? Do you think you're gonna fall in love with me and get hurt because you know how gay I am?" "Well, you never know, right?"

They both just laugh and Brendon feels really happy, for the first time that day. Maybe it was a good day.

"You know what, I'm gonna take you out for dinner tonight, Bren." "Oh my god, are you asking me on a date?" Brendon says in a fake surprised voice.

"Yeah, of course, I am. If Dallon doesn't then I will."

Brendon smiles and nods.

"How about we go get sushi, I am in the mood for sushi," Sarah asks.

"I would really like that. That sounds like a nice first date." "Well, we should probably get you some clothes for that date too, then." "Yeah, maybe we should. But after coffee!"

A/N: idk anymore. But have it.

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