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"Okay, so we got snacks, drinks, and booze, so we should be okay now. I mean, this is basically a party," Sarah says when they come back from the store and she puts the bags on the kitchen counter. Brendon walks after her, just holding his phone, texting Dallon the details of the party.

"Yeah, the party is gonna be great. I can't wait to show off my apartment to everybody. They're gonna love it! And Ryan is gonna be so jealous!" "You invited Ryan?" 

Brendon just nods and Sarah rolls her eyes.

"You know that that's gonna end badly, one way or the other." "It's gonna be fine because I have Dallon and he's possessive as fuck. And I'm over Ryan." "You said that last party and then the next morning, you woke up in his bed and you called me all panicked because you slept with your ex for the... What was it? Third time?" "Shut up. I've got a sugar daddy now. If I want sex, I'll ask Dallon." "Okay then... Whatever."

Sarah sits down on the kitchen counter and looks at Brendon, who puts his phone away and starts unpacking the grocery bags.

"Look, we're just gonna have fun at this party, tonight! Don't worry about it too much!" "Okay, you're right. Who's coming?" "Pete is coming, with his new boyfriend Patrick. And Hayley is coming and she is taking Alex. Tyler and Josh are obviously coming and then we have Ryan, who's probably coming alone. And then some random people, like Mike and Ian. Maybe Nicole is coming too." "Awesome! I can't wait."

Brendon smiles and nods.

"Well, just a few more hours, how about we go watch a movie?"
"Hey there, you guys! Come in!" Brendon says as he opens the front door and he lets everyone in. He watches as his friends walk in and look around with surprised looks on their faces.

"Holy shit, Brendon. This place looks amazing," Hayley says and Brendon smiles.

"Yeah, I know right? Let me just show you around my beautiful apartment." "Yes, please."

Brendon just shows his friends around, before they walk into the living room and just sit down.

"Oh, Ryan is coming later because he has this new girlfriend and she really wanted to meet you, but she couldn't come earlier." "He what now?" "He has a girlfriend." "Oh. Okay."

Sarah gives Brendon a look, making the short man just roll his eyes.

"Okay, so you guys can just grab something to drink in the kitchen and snacks are here on the table!" "Alright, but where is the hot business guy that got you this place?" "Dallon is coming later. He's still working." "I really wanna meet him, though. I want to know what he's like. I mean, we all know that Richard was an old ass with no sense of humor."

Sarah chuckles slightly, as Nicole says that.

"Dallon is very judgemental," she says and Nicole frowns a little.

"I'll judge him right back." "Yeah, we know you will. You are the queen of judging. But guys, please act a little normal, tonight." "We will, Bren. We will."

The doorbell rings and Brendon gets up, to answer it.

He freezes a little when he sees Ryan and a really pretty woman. She's all over Ryan, holding onto him like she's gonna die without him.

"Hey, Bren," Ryan says smugly and he gives Brendon a cocky smile.

"Hey there! Come in. I haven't met you yet, have I?"

Brendon shakes the woman's hand and she gives him a charming smile.

"Hi, I'm Claire." "Nice to meet you, I'm Brendon."

Ryan and Claire walk in and Brendon just walks after them.

He hoped that Dallon would come here as soon as possible because he just knew that Ryan was trying to make him jealous.
After a few hours, the doorbell rings again and Brendon sprints to the door, opening it and seeing Dallon stand in front of him.

The tall man looks a little tired and stressed, but he smiles as he sees Brendon.

"Hey there, baby." "Hey, Dall. Come in."

They go into the living room and everyone looks up.

The conversations just kinda stop, as Dallon looks around.

He wasn't judging as much as he'd done with Sarah, but Brendon could see that he was kinda judging his friends.

"These are my friends." "Nice to meet you all."

There are some scattered 'nice too meet you too's before everyone returns to their conversations.

Well, everyone except for Ryan, who just looks at Brendon and Dallon for a few seconds, before turning to Claire and pulling her into his lap and kissing her intensely.

Brendon can see Ryan glancing at him a few times, obviously trying to see if Brendon was jealous already.

"Do you want something to drink, Dall?" "Yeah, I'll go get something." "I'll walk with you."

Dallon wraps an arm around Brendon's waist, as they walk to the kitchen and he pushes the short man against the counter, kissing him softly, before letting go and pouring himself some wine.

"How was work?" "Stressful." "Why?" "Some things didn't really go as planned and now we're behind with this research we were doing." "Is it gonna be a lot of work to fix again."

Dallon just smiles at how interested Brendon seems to be.

"It's gonna be some more work than usual. I'll just have to overwork, a few days. It's no big deal."

Brendon nods and kisses Dallon again, tasting the wine the tall man was drinking.

"That's shitty. I hope the problem is solved soon." "Me too, baby."

Ryan comes into the kitchen, at the exact moment that Dallon pulls Brendon closer and kisses him, a long and soft kiss.

"Jesus. I can't even get something to drink without seeing you too go at it."

Dallon pulls away and looks at Ryan, with an annoyed look.

"Can you fuck off?"

A/N: idk dudes.

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