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After shopping, Brendon and Dallon go home again and Brendon shows Dallon all his clothes again.

He seems happy and that makes Dallon incredibly happy.

"You look so amazing, baby," Dallon says and he gets up, as Brendon walks into the living room, wearing very nice black jeans and a short-sleeved, dark blue button-up.

"God, so beautiful," he says and he kisses Brendon.

"Thanks, daddy. Thank you for the clothes, I really love them." "Of course, baby. Everything for you." "I love you so much." "I love you too."

Brendon kisses Dallon and bites his lip when he pulls back.

"Hm, no, baby. Let me bite that lip for you?" "What?" Brendon asks, with a laugh in his voice.

Instead of answering, Dallon kisses him again and bites his bottom lip softly, pulling back a little before he lets go of Brendon's lip.

"Don't bite your lip, baby, it's slightly distracting." "Oh, really? Did I just find one of your weak spots?" "You are my weak spot, baby. I'd do anything for you. But you biting your lip is very distracting to me. Makes me wanna kiss you and bite that lip for you."

Brendon smiles and blushes a little, looking at the floor.

"Aww, someone is flustered," Dallon whispers and he smiles too.

"Shut up. I'm gonna make dinner." "Alright, honey. What's for dinner?" "I think I'll make my mom's famous chicken casserole. I ordered the ingredients for that." "Sounds good." "I'll ask my mom if she'll make it for you when you meet my parents."

Dallon stays quiet after that, already feeling nervous about meeting Brendon's parents.

Brendon leans against the kitchen counter and looks at Dallon.

"I'm sorry, baby. Is it too early to talk about meeting my parents?" "No, no, it's not that! I just didn't think about that, honestly." "Alright. You know we can do all that stuff when we're both ready for that. Like, I feel like I'm not really ready to meet your parents."

Dallon grits his teeth and Brendon frowns a little.

"I'm sorry, I know you don't like talking about your parents. I won't talk about them anymore." "I don't blame you, okay? It's just a little painful for me. How about we go on a little ride, tomorrow and I'll explain everything to you." "If you're ready for that, yeah." "I am. You deserve to know."

Dallon kisses Brendon before he just sits down and just watches as Brendon starts on the chicken casserole.

"You are some magic person or something. I always hated this apartment because it reminded me of the fact that I was alone all the time and now you're here and I swear, I love the place. It's home, now and I am happy," Dallon says and Brendon looks up from the sauce he was making.

"I love you too. And I'm happy too, I love being here and cooking and everything is just amazing." "We already turned into one of those sappy couples." "Oh god, we did..."

They both laugh a little and Brendon continues to make their dinner, putting it in the oven and cleaning the counter.

"Now we just wait and hope I can make a casserole the way my mom does." "I'm sure it'll be good, baby." "Thank you, I hope so."

Brendon smiles and dries his hands before he walks up to Dallon and just wraps his arms around his waist, leaning his head against Dallon's chest.

"I need hug," he says and wraps his arms around Brendon.

"Now you got hug," he says, and Brendon smiles.

"Yes, now I got hug. Now I'm happy again." "Why weren't you happy anymore?" "I don't know. I just wanted a hug." "Alright."
When the casserole is ready, Dallon has to get it out of the oven for Brendon is scared he'll burn himself.

"Now it looks like I made an amazing casserole," he says, as he stands there, with the casserole in his hands.

"Well, put it on the table and let me taste that casserole of yours!" Brendon answers and Dallon puts it on the table he'd set, earlier.

"It looks great, Bee," Dallon says and Brendon smiles.

"Thanks, I tried my best. Let's try it, shall we?" "Hell yeah."

Dallon sits down and Brendon looks at him in fake disgust.

"No cursing in my good Christian home," he says before he puts some food on Dallon's plate and hands it to him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Heck yeah." "Thank you. Ow, fuck, that's hot, goddammit," Brendon says, as he actually touches the casserole and he shakes his hand.

"Are you okay?" "Yeah, I am. That was just hot."

Brendon puts some food on his own plate and sits down.

"Let's taste it," he says, carefully taking a bite and he raises his eyebrows in surprise.

"This is actually good!" "It really is, honey. You did an amazing job." "Thank you." "You do sound surprised about it, though." "I'm never much of a cook, I guess. I mean, I can make certain dishes, but that's it. And this tastes as good as when my mom makes it, so I'm pretty proud."

Dallon smiles and takes another bite of his casserole.

"I'm proud of you too, honey."

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