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When Dallon walks into the living room, a while after Brendon came into his office, Patrick and Pete are sitting on the couch and Brendon is sitting on one of the chairs.

Everyone looks up at him and Dallon just smiles.

"Hi there," he says and he sits down on the chair next to Brendon, just holding his hand.

"Hey, Dallon, how are ya?" Pete asks.

"I'm good. I was just working for a bit. How are you?" "I'm great, I got a new job." "Really? Congrats! Where do you work?" "Uhh, I work at your company, actually."

Dallon raises his eyebrows and smiles again.

"Really? What do you do?" "I work in the food court, now. I desperately needed a new job and they had a job opening, so now I work in the same building as you."

Dallon nods and chuckles a little.

"Well, I guess I'll have to come by now." "It would be pretty funny." "Yeah, it would be. Next time I go into the office, I'll come by."

Pete seems genuinely happy and Brendon can't help but smile because his friends were getting along with his boyfriend and that made him happy.

"Did I tell you guys that Dallon and I are gonna go the archery world championships?" Brendon suddenly asks and both Pete and Patrick shake their head.

"Isn't that all the way in Texas?" Patrick asks and Brendon nods.

"Yeah, it is. But Dallon has a private jet and all." "Why are you guys going there?" "Because Dallon is going to hand out the medals and stuff. We're gonna be there as VIP guests."

Brendon seems really proud of that and Dallon can't help but smile.

"That's really cool! You guys are gonna be the cutest couple at the event."

Brendon nods and smiles too, looking at Dallon, who smiles back.

"First we have your birthday, honey," he says and Brendon nods.

"Yeah, did you guys get my invitations?" Brendon asks Pete and Patrick.

"We did. We even bought you a gift. Well, Patrick bought a gift, I just act like I know what it is."

Brendon starts laughing at that and Pete just smiles.

"I know exactly what you mean. Ryan always used to buy the gifts and then I would just act like I knew what we were giving," he says and Pete nods.

Dallon just grits his teeth, not wanting to hear anything about Ryan, mainly because of what he'd done to Brendon, but also because he was Brendon's ex and Dallon knew he was a jealous person, maybe a little too jealous.

Brendon seems to notice, though and he just squeezes Dallon's hand softly.

"I think that when it comes to Dallon and me, we'll probably choose the gifts together. Mainly because I don't know what kind of gifts to give to people, but I still wanna try."

Dallon smiles again and looks up when the doorbell rings, suddenly.

He wants to walk over to the intercom, to see who it is, but Brendon is already getting up and walking over to it.

"Our food's there," he says, as he walks back into the living room and he smiles.

"What did you order?" Dallon asks and Brendon turns towards him.

"Those sandwiches we had a few weeks ago. I know you really liked them and Patrick has never had them before." "Oh yeah, they were really good."

There's knocking on the door and Brendon walks into the hallway again, coming back with a plastic bag with their food.

"Alright, so before we go and eat, I'm just gonna go to the toilet. Be right back."

As soon as Brendon walks away, Pete sits closer to Dallon.

"What are you gonna give Brendon for his birthday?" He asks.

"Uhh, well... He told me he wanted bagels. So I'll give him bagels and I think I'm gonna take him to France, or Spain, or something." "You know what? For a second I forgot you were rich and now I feel bad about our gift." "Hey, I chose a very nice gift," Patrick says and Dallon chuckles.

"He really doesn't expect anything too big, trust me. I'm just taking him to France because I have a summer residence there and it's not too expensive for me."

Pete nods.

"I wanna be rich..." He says and Dallon nods.

"Well, just have a lot of luck and start a company," he says and Pete nods.

"I'll start, right now. I don't know how, but I'll do it." "Well, first you have to come up with an idea, then actually do something with that idea. And preferably you already have a prototype of whatever your idea is and then you go and find sponsors. And yeah, there's a whole bunch of legal stuff that even I didn't fully understand, I just had a lot of luck and a dad who was a lawyer."

Pete just raises his eyebrows.

"Right, so I like working at the food court a lot and I plan on doing it for a while."

Brendon comes walking back into the living room and Dallon just pulls him into his lap.

"Hey there," he says and Brendon just gives him an amused look.

"Hi?" "I'm trying to be romantic here, why won't you just play along?" "Oh, I'm sorry, babe. Can you ever forgive me?" "No, I don't think so."

Brendon just kisses Dallon quickly before he gets out of Dallon's lap and he sits next to Dallon again.

"Well, let's eat lunch!"

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