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When Dallon boards the plane, he feels excited. He was gonna see Brendon in just 10 hours and he absolutely couldn't wait.

He tries to sleep, as soon as they take off, but he just can't.

Before Stella and he boarded the plane, Dallon had bought a really nice watch for Brendon and he wanted to give it to him as soon as he could, but on the other hand, he didn't know if Brendon would like the watch. And now he kept worrying about it.

"He's gonna like the watch, you know?" Stella says and Dallon looks up at her, from his laptop, where he was just trying to book a nice restaurant for him and Brendon.

"I hope so. I don't want to disappoint him." "You won't. It's gonna be fine."

Dallon smiles and nods.

"Thank you. I just worry a lot because I've never really been in love before." "It's all gonna be okay, Dallon. Trust me." "Yeah, okay."

Stella goes back to doing her own thing and so does Dallon, who just keeps looking at nice restaurants, online. 

He wanted to take Brendon to the nicest restaurant he knew, but he also really wanted Brendon to still be comfortable in the restaurant.

After a while of looking, he decides to just wait until he's back in New York, so he can just ask Brendon where he wanted to go. That way he could do nothing wrong.
Brendon was anxious and excited at the same time. Just 2 more hours and Dallon would be back.

He was all dressed up already, in the clothes he was gonna wear to the date they were supposed to have a while ago.

He was just sitting in the living room, now, waiting until he could finally go to the airport to pick Dallon up.

A part of him was nervous too. He didn't know what Dallon was gonna do when they saw each other.

Nicole was actually with him, right now, sitting on the couch, just looking at her phone.

Brendon still hadn't told Sarah that he had confessed his feelings to Dallon and he actually really didn't want to because Sarah would get all 'hahaha I told you so' on him.

"Hey, are you okay, Bren?" "I'm really nervous. Like, we confessed our feelings to each other a few days ago, but now I'm afraid that I'm gonna scare him away, for some reason." "You won't.  It's gonna be amazing. You and Dallon are gonna see each other and you're gonna be all romantic and run towards each other in slow-motion."

Brendon starts laughing and he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, of course. And then everyone around us will start clapping and music will start playing and he'll pick me up and spin me around and we'll kiss and then when we get outside it'll be raining and we'll just make out."

Now Nicole starts laughing and she nods.

"Obviously." "Well, can we just go? We can get to the airport and then we can just get coffee there. I just don't wanna sit around my apartment the whole time. It makes me nervous." "Yeah, sure. Let's get a cab."
When they get to the airport, they sit down in a Starbucks and order some drinks.

They sit there for a while and just sip their coffee.

"Hey, do you want me to leave, soon?" "You can stay if you want, but if you don't want to, I get that." "I think I wanna leave because I don't want to be the third wheel for you and Dallon." "Stella, his assistant is there too." "I'll stay, for her. Poor woman."

Brendon rolls his eyes again and he listens to the announcement that comes on, all of a sudden.

"Oh, Dallon's flight just landed, let's go!"

Brendon gets up and Nicole follows him, as he starts walking to the right gate.

He starts looking around the crowd, as people start walking towards the exit and he starts smiling, as he sees Dallon walk towards him, smiling at him, already.

"Oh my God, there he is!" Brendon explains and Nicole just nods.

"Yeah, I can see that. Calm down, man." "No. Let me have this."

Brendon starts walking towards Dallon, with the biggest smile on his face and as soon as he gets close enough, Dallon lets go of his suitcase and just grabs Brendon's face with his hands, kissing him passionately.

When he lets go and pulls back, he smiles widely.

"I really am in love with you, Brendon," he whispers and he kisses Brendon again.

"I'm in love with you too. I have been, for a while now." "God, I'm so lucky..."

Stella just walks past the two, taking Dallon's suitcase with her, as she walks towards Nicole, who just stands there, awkwardly.

But Dallon and Brendon don't notice the world around them, they're just looking at each other, smiling and feeling happy.

"You must be really tired, Dall." "Yeah, I am." "You could come home with me, if you want to, of course." "I'd like that."

Brendon smiles again and they start walking towards Nicole and Stella, holding hands.

"Hey, we're gonna go," Brendon says and Nicole and Stella just nod.
When they get to Brendon's apartment, Dallon sits down on the couch and Brendon goes to make them both coffee, but when he comes back, Dallon looks really sleepy.

He smiles at Brendon, who just chuckles.

"Hey, you look sleepy. You should go take a nap." "I can stay awake, I've had worse." "Come on, we can cuddle, in bed. And you don't even have to sleep." "Alright."

Dallon obviously knows that he's gonna fall asleep, as soon as his head even hits the pillow, but hey, he gets to cuddle with Brendon, so it's okay.

"Let me just get changed into something that's not a suit." "I have never seen you in anything else, honestly." "That's right, yeah... Well, I wear other stuff too."

Dallon gets changed into some sweatpants and a white shirt.

Brendon just strips to his boxers and Dallon pulls him into a kiss.

"You're amazing," he mumbles, as they climb into bed and he pulls Brendon close to his chest.

"You're amazing too," Brendon says, but Dallon is already half asleep and Brendon just chuckles.

"You're the best," he whispers and he closes his eyes too.

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