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"He thinks I'm pretty," Brendon says and he giggles softly, as he shows Sarah the text he had just gotten from Dallon.

Their "date" had turned into Sarah and him getting super drunk and asking people to take pictures of them because Brendon wanted to show him that he was having fun without Dallon.

Though he had already decided that he wasn't having fun. He was sad and he just wanted Dallon to come back because he would make it all better.

That was what he had told himself, but he was drunk and deep down he knew that he was still angry at Dallon for leaving, so suddenly, but he was just gonna ignore that right now.

"Brendon, come on, let's do another shot!" Sarah yells over the loud music and she pulls him towards the bar, to go and get another shot.

Brendon just waits for the shots to be served and when they do, he grabs one of the little glasses and he and Sarah tap the glasses against each other before they just down the bitter alcohol.

Brendon giggles when he puts the glass down on the bar.

He grabs his phone again and texts Dallon, telling him how drunk he is and then that he's sad and needs Dallon to come back.

And he means it. He wants Dallon to cuddle with him and make him tea and bring him bagels.

Dallon texts back, completely ignoring the fact that Brendon just told him that he's sad and wants cuddles. He just tells him to drink water and go to sleep because it's already 5 am.

He feels sad, all of a sudden and he has an overwhelming urge to just start crying.

Sarah seems to notice and she pulls him outside. The cold early morning air makes them both shiver.

"What's wrong?" Sarah asks and she looks like she's sobering up a little.

"I miss Dallon." "Oh, honey..." "He just left and I just want him to come back, already..." "He's gonna come back soon enough, Bren. And you've got me, until then! We're gonna have so much fun together." "Yeah... I just wanna go home now, though." "Let's go."
When Brendon gets home, he doesn't even bother getting changed and just lays down on his bed, looking up at the ceiling, hoping that the room would stop spinning soon.

He closes his eyes and starts quietly sobbing because he just needed someone to hold him right now, preferably Dallon.

It was so incredibly stupid because he was so in love and Dallon wasn't and Brendon hated himself for falling in love. There had only been one rule in their entire arrangement and he had broken it.

He rolls onto his side and grabs the pillow on the empty side of the bed and holds it close to him.

He just cries for a while, the alcohol in his body not really helping him and only making him more emotional.

After a while, he grabs his phone and decides to call Dallon, but Dallon doesn't pick up, not even after calling him 5 times and so Brendon just decides to go sleep.

He puts his phone next to him, on the bed and closes his eyes, quickly falling asleep.
When Dallon gets out of the meeting, he's got 5 missed calls from Brendon and he immediately starts worrying.

"Stella, will you please bring my things to the car, already? I gotta call Brendon." "Yeah, of course, sir. Is everything okay?" "I don't know."

Dallon dials Brendon's number and taps his foot impatiently as he waits for Brendon to pick up. But he doesn't and Dallon feels really concerned.

He calls again and this time, someone picks up, but Brendon doesn't say anything.

"Bren?" "Oh, Dall. Hi!" "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" "No, m'fine? Why?" "Well, you called me like 5 times, earlier." "Oh, gosh. I was just really emotional and I was super drunk..." "Are you feeling better now?"

Dallon still feels really concerned, but Brendon sounded alright.

"I am, I slept a bit and I sobered up." "Alright. I'm sorry I couldn't pick up earlier. I was in the middle of a meeting." "It's fine, Dallon. I understand that you're busy. I'm gonna sleep now, okay?" "Yeah. Sleep well, Bren. And remember that I care about you." "Thank you, Dall. Good luck at work."

Dallon smiles and Brendon hangs up the phone.

Dallon just stands there for a few seconds, Brendon had felt sad and Dallon wasn't there for him. He felt bad, but on the other hand, he knew that he couldn't help it because he was working.

He walks to the car, where Stella is waiting for him and she smiles.

"Everything okay, Mr. Weekes?" "Yeah. Everything is fine now. Thank you for your concern." "Of course, sir. I want everything to be okay." "Thank you, Stella."

Stella opens the car door and lets Dallon get in before she sits down herself.

Dallon looks out of the window and sometimes glances over at Stella, who was texting her husband.

Dallon suddenly feels bad for her because she could be home, with her husband and kid, right now, but instead, she was busy with work and she was stuck with him.

"I'm sorry you have to put up with me for two whole weeks," Dallon says, suddenly and Stella looks up from her phone.

"Sorry?" "I'm sorry that I dragged you along to France. You could be home with your family, right now, but instead, you're stuck here with your boss." "It's alright, sir. I don't get to go to France every day, for my work." "You can call me Dallon. I mean, there's no other employee around."

Stella smiles and nods.

"Thank you. And I really don't mind being here with you. I mean, I needed a little getaway from my husband..." "That doesn't sound good..." "We just had some issues. But I won't bother you with that, sir." "You know we could talk about it if you want, right?"

Stella just nods and Dallon smiles a little at her.

"Maybe over a drink, at the hotel?" He asks and Stella seems surprised.

"Yeah, sure."

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