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"Well, I had fun talking to you guys, but I do have to get back to work," Dallon says, after lunch and he smiles at Patrick and Pete, who both nod.

"Of course, Good luck," Pete says and Dallon smiles at him.

"Thank you. I think I can handle." "I sure hope so, yeah."

Dallon can't help but laugh at that and Pete seems really proud.

"Yeah, you would hope so, huh? It would be pretty bad if I didn't know how to manage a company."

Pete nods.

"I think I know what I'm doing, so-" Dallon gets interrupted by his phone and he looks at it, seeing that it's Stella.

"Sorry, I need to answer this, real quick."

He walks into the kitchen and answers the phone.

"Stella, how can I help you?" He says and he leans against the kitchen counter.

"Mr. Weekes, I uhm... I wouldn't usually ask this, but would you be able to meet me in the coffee shop in the lobby of the office in about 30 minutes?" "Uhm... Yeah, of course. Can I ask why?"

Brendon comes walking into the kitchen and smiles at Dallon.

"Uhm, I'd rather explain once we're there, honestly." "Alright, then. I'll be there." "Thank you so much, sir." "Of course."

Dallon ends the phone call and looks at Brendon.

"I gotta go talk to Stella. She seemed serious." "Alright. Where are you gonna talk?" "My office."

Brendon looks a little annoyed and he just looks at Dallon.

"I don't like you going into the office in a hurry, all the time..." He mumbles and he just fixes Dallon's button-up.

"I know, honey. But it sounded important, so I can't just not go." "I know. And I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you when I get home, okay?"

Brendon nods and just looks at the buttons on Dallon's shirt, fidgeting with one of them.

He still seems annoyed and Dallon just looks at him, not knowing what to do to cheer his boyfriend up.

"Hey, Brendon..." He mumbles and Brendon looks up at him, gritting his teeth.

"Is there anything else that's bothering you? You seem annoyed..."

Before Brendon can answer, Patrick comes walking into the kitchen, obviously not expecting to see an annoyed Brendon and a slightly clueless Dallon.

"Am I bothering?" He asks and Brendon just turns around.

"No, it's fine. Dallon and I were just talking. He's gotta go now, though."

Brendon steps away from Dallon.

Dallon just walks out of the kitchen, gritting his teeth because he felt like Brendon was overreacting about this.

"It was nice seeing you again, Pete. I'm gonna go into the office, right now," he says, as he walks into the living room and Pete nods.

"Alright. Good luck."

Dallon grabs his keys and wallet and leaves the house, not even saying bye to Brendon, or Patrick because he was getting a little annoyed with how Brendon was acting every time he had to go to the office.

He takes the elevator to the garage and just takes a car before he drives to the office.

When he gets there he just orders a coffee and sits down at a table, ignoring all the looks he was getting.

He just waits for Stella, who arrives not long after him.

"Mr. Weekes, hi," she says after ordering a coffee and she sits down at the same table.

"Hey. What did you want to talk about?" "Uhm... Alright, so please don't get angry at me, but someone who claimed to be one of your brothers came by today." "What was his name?"

Dallon takes a sip of his coffee and looks at Stella.

"Uhm... Weston, I think." "Alright. Well, if he comes by ever again please tell him I do not wanna talk to him and that he has to leave me alone."

Stella nods.

"Alright, sir. May I ask why?" "He's homophobic." "I'm so sorry, sir..." "It's alright. You can't help it."

Dallon smiles a little and Stella nods again.

"Do you have contact with your other brothers?" "No, I don't. I don't think they'd be so accepting of me either. We're from Utah and they still have a farm there, so I don't have any hope for them."

Dallon sits back a little and drinks his coffee, suddenly feeling a little alone, just because he didn't have any family or friends around him.

"That's messed up and I'm sorry." "It's alright. I've been living without them for years now, I think I can still live without them." "Yeah, I think you can too. How have you Brendon been doing?"

Dallon stays quiet for a second.

"We've been good. He's moving in with me. It's just that he gets really annoyed when I go into the office on short notice, so that's something I still need to talk about, with him, but other than that we're good."

Dallon can't help but smile, as he thinks about Brendon and Stella notices.

"He actually started cooking, as a hobby and he's really good at it and every time he makes something I like, he gets really proud and it's just the cutest thing ever."

Dallon smiles even more and he just looks at his coffee, feeling a little dumb for smiling about that.

"That's so sweet." "How have you and your husband been?" "We're uhm... We're getting a divorce."

Dallon frowns and puts a hand on Stella's.

"I'm so sorry. If you need anyone to talk to, I'm here. I might not know a lot about relationships, but I have a pretty good knowledge about wine," Dallon says, half jokingly and Stella smiles.

"Thank you, sir. I really appreciate it." "Of course. I want you to be alright."

Dallon pats Stella's hand and smiles again.

"People are staring at us..." Stella suddenly says and Dallon looks up, seeing that people are indeed staring at them.

"Hi, can I help any of you?" He asks and people abruptly look away.

"That's what I thought. I think people just have a certain image of me and that image changes pretty quickly as soon as I become a little more compassionate," he says and Stella nods.

"It's because we usually only see the profesional side of you." "That is very true. But that's what I'm at work for."

Stella nods.

"I know. But I really like the compassionate side of you." "That's good."

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