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After Brendon just yells at Dallon, about what an awful person Ryan is and how much he hates him, Brendon just sits on the couch and stares at his own lap for a while, before he gets up and clears his throat.

"Can we pretend that that never happened?" "Yeah. Of course."

Dallon pulls him closer and kisses the top of Brendon's head, before realizing what he's doing.

"I'm gonna ask Sarah over," Brendon says, after a few minutes of silence.

"Alright. I think I'll go home." "Sure."

Dallon goes to kiss Brendon, before remembering that they weren't actually together and that Brendon was only here for the company.

"I'll see you," Dallon says and he starts walking to the door, but Brendon pulls him back, kissing him.

"Now you can go."

When Dallon had left, Brendon immediately calls Sarah and waits for her to pick up.

"Hey, Bren!" "I need your help. Come over. Now." "On my way." "And will you please bring Starbucks?" "Sure. The usual?" "Yeah."

When the doorbell rings for the fourth time that day, Brendon opens it and Sarah walks in.

"Okay, spill the tea." "Okay, so a bit of back story first. Ryan sent me roses, I had a fucking meltdown." "Alright... Go on?" "Anyway, after I had calmed down, Dallon pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head and my heart just fluttered and I swear, I don't want this, but I think I might start to like him." "I am a 1000 dollars richer." "Not yet. I'm not in love with him, okay?"

Sarah shrugs and Brendon rolls his eyes.

"I'm not!" "Alright. But why did you need me?" "What the fuck do I do? He's not gonna like me back. We made this arrangement for a reason!" "Just wait for a while. If your feelings for him grow, you should tell him and then it can go three ways. One, you guys start dating. Two, he never wants to see you again. Or, three, you guys keep this same arrangement and it's awkward as fuck."

Brendon takes a sip of his drink and taps his foot.

"This really doesn't calm me down, to be honest." "It's gonna be fine. Have you heard him, after he found Ryan kissed you? 'he is mine. And no one touches what is mine.' He fucking loves you." "I'm not gonna lie, I thought back about him saying that and it kinda turned me on."

Sarah snorts and almost chokes on her coffee.

"Okay then. You are discovering new kinks. Good for you. Don't tell me about them, please," she says, with a laugh in her voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I am still telling you." "Damn. Okay then."

After that, they just sit in silence and Brendon thinks back to the last few weeks with Dallon.

Dallon had always been slightly possessive over him and Brendon didn't fucking mind.

Things like 'he's mine' only made him feel loved and cared for.

"So, have you guys done the dirty yet?" "No. I wanted to, after one of those business dinners, but then Dallon was all like 'we need rules and boundaries' and after that, he thought I was too tipsy for it. I'm kinda glad, though... I want to be completely sober when I have sex with him for the first time. I bet he's huge." "And fucking possessive and dominant. Like, he's the one to give you hickeys and shit."

Brendon nods and smirks.

"You seem to enjoy talking about this..." He jokes and Sarah rolls her eyes.

"Dude, he's hot as fuck. You are so damn lucky." "I know, right? He is so handsome. And so fucking rich." "Definitely rich."

Brendon takes another sip of his drink.

"So, what are you gonna do about Ryan?" "I don't know. He's obviously dying to get me back. I need to make it very clear to him that I don't want him anymore." "And how are you gonna do that?" "I think I'm just gonna sit him down and we're gonna have a conversation. I'm an adult and I need to be able to just have conversations about that."

Sarah just looks concerned but nods nonetheless.

"Alright. I don't feel comfortable with you two having a conversation alone, though." "No, I think you and Nicole should be there too." "Alright, of course, we'll be there." "And I also think that I'm going to talk to Patrick. He said he's been through the same and I wanna know what he did."

Sarah nods.

"Alright." "About Patrick, though. He seems so innocent. What the Hell is Pete doing with him?" Brendon asks, to lighten the mood again.

"Dude, they are so cute together." "Really?" "It's just such an unlikely relationship." "Opposites attract." "I guess you're right." "I'm happy for them, though. They are so cute and Pete is so careful with Patrick. I saw them, yesterday and Patrick was telling Pete to tell smoking and you know how Pete is about that. And instead of saying no, he said he was gonna try and quit!"

Brendon smiles at how shocked Sarah seems.

"That's cute. And I'm proud of Pete." "They are the cutest." "I'm happy for them. So, about smoking, I'm gonna go to the balcony, do you wanna come?" "Yeah, I always come with you."

They walk outside and Brendon grabs a cigarette.

He offers Sarah one, but she shakes her head and looks at the cigarettes in disgust.

He lights it and breathes in the smoke, holding it in for a few seconds and then releasing it into the air.

"You know, Bee, you should quit smoking too." "Hmm, don't wanna. It feels good and it's the only coping mechanism I have. Let me have this." "Only for now." "Alright. I don't know how you wanna stop me, though." "I'll find my ways."

Brendon laughs and takes another drag of his cigarette.


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