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While Dallon is in the shower, Brendon just lies in bed and just scrolls through his Instagram for a while.

He sees a few of Sarah's pictures, seeing that she apparently started hanging out with Nicole more.

Brendon smiles, for some reason feeling a little relieved that Sarah didn't start shutting herself off from the others, once Brendon had started dating Dallon because she had done that with his last boyfriend.

He likes her pictures and comments on them and Sarah is quick to text him, after that.

Sarah: okay, I just saw you like my pics with Nicole on Insta and just so you know, I will be taking pics of you and Dallon and we will have to take selfies

Brendon: sure! I would love to get some nice pictures of me and Dallon because we don't have any pictures, I think???

Sarah: oh then I will definitely be taking pics of Dallon and you!!

Brendon: Alright, thank you. How late do you wanna get to the bar?

Sarah: hang on just a sec!

Brendon puts his phone down and Dallon comes walking out of the bathroom, smiling at Brendon before he walks into his closet to get dressed.

Brendon decides to just put on his boxers and just keep wearing Dallon's button-up because he likes how he feels when he wears it.

And the thing Dallon had said, a little earlier that morning, 'that way everyone can see you're mine', made him want to wear it even more.

He liked it when Dallon was possessive over him.

"Baby, I'll make us breakfast now, okay?" Dallon asks while he looks in the mirror to fix his tie.

Brendon just hums in reply and Dallon looks at him, seeing that Brendon is still lying on the bed.

"You're so cute, honey." "Thanks, daddy." "Of course."

After just running his thumb over Brendon's bottom lip, Dallon walks into the kitchen and starts on making them just a nice and simple breakfast.
After their breakfast, Brendon goes to get dressed. He puts on his own pants but doesn't change out of Dallon's button-up.

He walks back into the living room, thinking about what he wants to do today and he decides he wants to go shopping.

He sits down on the couch, placing his head in Dallon's lap and looking up at him.

"Hey, baby," Dallon says and he smiles as he sees that Brendon is wearing his button-up.

"Hi, daddy. I wanna go shopping today," Brendon answers and Dallon raises his eyebrows.

"Really?" "Yeah. Do you wanna come with me?" "I don't know, baby. I've got some work to do."

Brendon just pouts and Dallon sighs a little.

"Alright, I'll come along," he says and Brendon smiles.

"Thanks, daddy." "Everything for my baby."

That only makes Brendon smile more and he sits up a little to kiss Dallon.

"Can we go shopping now?" "Yeah, we can."

Brendon gets up and goes to grab his shoes and jacket.

Dallon walks after him, slapping his ass as Brendon bends over to get his shoes.

"Dallon!" Brendon says and he looks at Dallon in surprise.

Dallon just chuckles and smiles at Brendon before he grabs his own jacket because he'd already put on his shoes after getting dressed.

He puts his jacket on and then helps Brendon get in his own jacket.

"What a gentleman," Brendon says and Dallon smiles.

"Of course, I want my baby to be treated the way he deserves, like a damn king," Dallon says it with a smile and Brendon blushes a little.

"Stop it..." "Never."

Brendon rolls his eyes and Dallon just kisses him again.

"Let's go," he says and he wraps his arm around Brendon's waist, as they walk out the door.
"Love, let's just go to 5th Avenue, you know I'll pay for everything you buy," Dallon says, as they walk through the busy streets of New York.

Brendon nods and holds Dallon's hand, as they walk through the crowd and Dallon smiles a little, the little gesture meaning a lot to him.

They walk to 5th Avenue, where it's less crowded and they just walk past a few stores before Brendon pulls them towards the Abercrombie & Fitch.

Dallon just walks after him, as they walk into the store and looks around a little.

Brendon lets go of his hand and starts walking towards all the clothes, looking at them and grabbing a few things.

Dallon just looks at him with a small smile on his face because Brendon looks cute and happy and that's all he wants.

"Babe, do you think this would look nice on me?" Brendon asks, showing Dallon a nice, light blue button-up.

"Yeah, of course, it would! It would look amazing on you." "Okay, thank you, Dall." "Of course."

Dallon starts looking through the clothes too, sometimes showing Brendon some things.

"I'm done, let's go find a dressing room." "Alright, honey."

When they find the dressing rooms, Dallon sits down in a chair outside of them while Brendon goes into one of them.

He looks at his phone, just answering a few emails and looking at a text he got from his brother, who he hadn't spoken to in around 2 years.

He just stares at the text, the one that read 'hey, I'm in town, next week. Let's meet up?'

Before he gets the chance to answer, Brendon comes out of the dressing room and Dallon looks up.

"You look beautiful," he says and Brendon blushes a little.

"What about the polo-shirt... Doesn't it look weird on me?" "No, it doesn't. It looks amazing on you." "Really?" "Yeah, really. It looks nice, baby."

Brendon smiles and nods.

"Alright, thank you. I'm gonna change into some other new clothes." "Alright, honey."

Dallon smiles softly, feeling happy because he got to go out with Brendon and take him shopping and tell him how beautiful he looked.

Brendon was his, all his and he knew he was the luckiest man in the world.

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