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"That movie was so cheesy," Brendon giggles, when they walk out of the movie theatre and he holds on to Dallon's arm.

Dallon smiles and nods.

As much as it had been cheesy, they'd both enjoyed the movie and they'd had fun, especially after the bottle of wine they'd bought.

Brendon had gotten all giggly and Dallon honestly just felt happy. 

He hadn't had a lot of wine because he still had to drive home.

When they get to the car, Brendon lets go of Dallon's arm and he giggles at the fact that Dallon opens the door for him.

Dallon smiles at him and watches as Brendon sits down before he walks around the car, to his side.

He sits down behind the steering wheel and looks at his boyfriend, who's looking at him like he's the best thing in the world.

"Hi..." Brendon mumbles and he starts giggling again.

"Hey, baby," Dallon answers and he puts a hand on Brendon's knee, squeezing it softly.

Brendon just holds his hand and Dallon pushes the 'power' button of the car. (A/N: okay I dislike author's notes in the middle of a chapter, but I just needed to say that cars with start buttons exist so pls don't make fun of me. Basically, the key just has to be in the car for the car to be able to start. My car has that too. So pls don't make fun of this, thanks.)

The car starts and Dallon starts to drive. Both men just stay silent, while they're on their way home.

Once they get there, they just sit on the couch for a while, just talking about the movie, before Brendon starts to fall asleep, his head resting on Dallon's shoulder.

Dallon can only smile at how cute Brendon looks and he stays still for a while, before deciding that he should probably head to bed.

He slowly lifts Brendon's head off his shoulder and he gets up from the couch, carefully lifting Brendon in bridal style.

Brendon hums softly but doesn't wake up and Dallon just kisses his temple.

He puts Brendon in the bed and carefully gets rid of his pants because he knew that that would be uncomfortable while sleeping.

Then, he gets ready for bed too and lies down next to Brendon. And it doesn't take too long before he falls asleep too.
"...I'd like something a little more personal. I feel like this place is just not really a home, but just a temporary place to stay. And Dallon said that he thinks that too, so I feel like we need to change it up a little."

Dallon slowly opens his eyes and blinks a few times before he realizes that Brendon is talking to someone.

He just turns on his side and closes his eyes again, not too worried about who Brendon's talking to.

He closes his eyes again and just sighs contently because the bed was comfortable and warm and he was convinced that he could just stay here all day.

"I think it would be really cool if the piano could get a more prominent place in the living room because even though Dallon doesn't really show it, he's really passionate about playing the piano."

At that, Dallon can't help but smile a little.

Brendon was probably talking to Patrick, who was gonna remodel their living room.

Suddenly the bedroom door opens and Dallon looks up, smiling as he sees Brendon.

"Good morning, beautiful," he mumbles and Brendon blushes a little.

"Good morning, Dall. Patrick is here." "Yeah, I thought so. I'll be right out, I'm just gonna freshen up and get dressed." "Alright, take your time, babe."

Dallon nods and stretches a little.

"I will."

Brendon grabs something from his nightstand before he walks away again.

Dallon gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom, just humming a little song.

When he finally walks into the living room, after getting dressed, Patrick is sitting on the couch, just looking around and sketching some things on a piece of paper.

"Hey there, Dallon! How are you?" He asks, as he looks up from his sketch and he gives the tall man a bright smile.

"Hi, I'm good. How are you, Patrick?" Dallon answers and he smiles back.

"I'm also good, just making a sketch for your living room."

Brendon comes walking into the living room with two mugs.

"I made you coffee, babe," he says, as he hands Dallon one of the mugs and he kisses Dallon quickly.

"Thanks, honey."

Brendon also hands Patrick a mug.

"There you go. Let's continue with the design."

Dallon just walks into the kitchen and makes himself some toast.

When he walks back into the living room, Brendon is talking about something, but Dallon doesn't really listen.

He would find out what the room was gonna look like soon, anyway.

After his breakfast he walks to his office and sits down at his desk.

After a while Brendon walks into Dallon's office and sits down on the chair in front of Dallon's desk.

Dallon looks up from his laptop and smiles at his boyfriend.

"Hey, baby." "Hi there. Is it alright if Pete and Patrick stay over for lunch?" "Of course it is. Do you want me to order lunch, or something? We could also go out for lunch."

Brendon smiles.

"I'll make sure we have lunch, babe. Can you come out of your office for a while, though?" "Sure, I'll be out soon.

Dallon smiles back.

"Alright, thanks babe."

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