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After talking to Brendon for a while, Dallon walks back into the living room, where Stella is still sitting, looking at something on her phone and sipping her tea.

Dallon sits down in one of the chairs and grabs his own phone.

"How's Brendon doing?" Stella asks and Dallon shrugs.

"Still about the same. He was sleeping, though." "That's good. Sleeping really helps you get better."

Dallon nods and smiles a little.

"I think I accidentally woke him up, though, so we just talked for a while. He said he'd get out of bed soon." "Alright. I think I'm gonna leave soon, it's almost dinnertime."

Dallon nods.

"If you don't have anywhere to go, maybe you could stay here for dinner?" He proposes and Stella smiles.

"That would be very nice, but I have to go pick my son up from his dad's place,"  She says and Dallon nods.

"Of course," Dallon says and he smiles at Stella.

"I'll see you at work tomorrow!" Stella says and Dallon nods.

"Yeah, I'll see you," Dallon says, as they walk to the front door and Dallon watches as Stella leaves.

He felt really happy because it felt like he had a really good friend now and that's really all he needed.

When he comes back into the living room, Brendon comes walking from the bedroom and he wraps his arms around Dallon's waist. Dallon wraps his arms around Brendon's shoulders and kisses the top of his head.

"Hey, baby," he says and Brendon hums in response.

"How are you feeling, baby?" He asks and Brendon shrugs.

"I'm still really sick, but not like I'm gonna throw up again," Brendon says and Dallon nods.

"Okay, love. Wanna cuddle on the couch?" He and Brendon looks up at him with a slight smile.

"Yes, please. But shouldn't you eat dinner, soon?" Brendon asks.

"Yeah, I will eat dinner soon." "Okay. We still have some chicken with rice in the fridge, if you want that. I think I can cook for you, if you want, though."

Dallon chuckles a little and gives Brendon an unbelieving look.

"Bren, you're sick. You don't have to cook, honey. I can eat rice and chicken. And even if I couldn't, I'd cook for myself," he says, kissing the top of Brendon's head and Brendon nods.

"I just wanna take care of you!" He says and Dallon pulls him into a hug.

"Honey, I love you so much, but I can take care of myself too, even though I love it when you take care of me. And right now you need to be taken care of because you're sick, so that's what I'm gonna do, right now."

Brendon nods and wraps his arms around Dallon's waist, just leaning into Dallon's touch.

Dallon rubs his back softly and just holds him close.

"Come on, let's get you on the couch. I'm just gonna make me some food and you some tea and then we'll cuddle okay?" He proposes and Brendon nods, walking to the couch and lying down on it while Dallon walks into the kitchen.

He makes Brendon some tea and brings it into the living room before he heats up some food for himself and just eats it in the kitchen, so he didn't make Brendon feel even sicker because of the smell.

When he walks into the living room, Brendon make grabby hands at him and Dallon smiles a little.

"I'm here, baby," he says, as he sits down and Brendon puts his head in the taller man's lap.

"I dont wanna be sick anymore," he says and Dallon smiles sadly.

"I know, but you just have to get through this. Everyone gets sick, from time to time," he says and Brendon nods.

"I just really hate it," he says and Dallon runs his fingers through Brendon's hair.

"I'm just gonna take care of you until you're better again," he says and Brendon smiles at him.

"I quite like that, though," he says and Dallon giggles a little.

"Good," he answers.

"Can we just watch TV, or something? I'm bored," Brendon says and Dallon nods.

"What do you wanna watch?" He asks and Brendon shrugs.

"I don't know, maybe just a nature documentary, I like those," he says and Dallon grabs the remote.

He just puts a documentary on and Brendon rolls onto his side, so he can see the screen.

They both just watch the documentary for a while, until Brendon feels asleep and Dallon smiles a little, when he notices. He just carefully lifts Brendon's head, so he can get up before carrying his boyfriend into the bedroom.

He carefully puts the shorter man down onto the bed and tucks him in, smiling as Brendon mumbles something in his sleep.

"I love you, Bee," he says, kissing his boyfriend's forehead softly before he walks out of the bedroom again, into the living room.

He didnt know why, but being able to take care of Brendon like this and be there for him made him really, really happy and it made him love his boyfriend even more.

And he suddenly wants to call Brendon more than "just" his boyfriend.

If y'all knew what I just texted Ryan, you'd probably get angry at me :)))

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