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"Don't you ever drive?" Brendon asks, as he and Dallon get in the car and Dallon tells the driver the address of where they were going.

"Well, I do... But just not in New York, it's way too busy and I usually try and get some work done while Andrew, my driver, brings me wherever I need to go." "Oh, yeah. We should go for a drive one time, though." "Yeah, we should. I'll take you for a drive, tomorrow, okay?"

Brendon nods and kisses Dallon's cheek before leaning close to Dallon, his lips brushing over Dallon's ear.

"Thank you, daddy," he whispers and Dallon shivers a little.

"Of course, baby," he answers, his voice dark and low and Brendon chuckles a little.

"You know, it's just a car ride, no need to get so intense," he says in an amused voice and Dallon raises his eyebrows.

"I beg your pardon? And whose fault is that?" "Probably mine, but still. No need to be so intense," Brendon says with a smirk on his face and Dallon just looks at him with the same dark look in his eyes.

"Don't talk to me like that."

Brendon shivers slightly as Dallon says that and he can't help but bite his lip as he sees how Dallon's eyes are possessive and dominant.

"Look at you, I just have to call you daddy once and you get all dominant. I like that, daddy."

Dallon raises his eyebrows and takes a deep breath, shifting in his seat.

"You gotta stop, right now." "Alright, I'm sorry."

Brendon immediately goes back to being his happy self, instead of being teasing.

"I'm sorry," Brendon says and Dallon smiles. He leans closer to Brendon and just wraps one of his arms around Brendon's shoulders.

"You can call me daddy when we're at home though because it sounds so hot when you call me that." "You really have a daddy kink, huh?" "Only when you call me daddy. It just makes me feel dominant, it's weird... Let's not talk about my kinks now, shall we? We can do that when we get home." "I love how you call it home and not your apartment anymore."

Dallon smiles a little.

"I saw you making pancakes in my kitchen this morning and it just felt like a home, for the first time... It's weird to explain, but it just felt nice. It made me happy." "Aww, that makes me happy. I love you." "I love you too."

They get to the restaurant and get out, walking towards the restaurant holding hands.

"So, your birthday is coming up and I was wondering what you wanted for your birthday," Dallon says, as they get to their table and Brendon raises his eyebrows.

"Uhh, I just wanna be with you, for my birthday. Just spend the day together and then I'll throw a party, in the evening." "You don't want anything else? I could take you shopping, or maybe we could go to a concert. We could do anything you want." "I don't know what I want. I'd like some bagels."

Dallon chuckles and smiles at his boyfriend, who seems genuine about wanting bagels for his birthday.

"I'll get you bagels, honey." "Thank you."

A waiter comes their way and they both order something to drink before the waiter walks away again.

"And do you want to throw that party at your apartment, or at my apartment? I don't want to call it my apartment, actually... It feels wrong." "Well, it's still your apartment, so I don't mind." "But still... It's gonna be our apartment if you want to." "Is this you asking me to move in with you, or..?"

Dallon nods and Brendon starts smiling.

"And maybe not now, if you don't want to! I understand it, if you think it's too early!" "No, I'd love to move in with you!" "Really?" "Yeah, really."

Dallon's smile gets even bigger and he looks at his hands, to hide the blush on his face.

Brendon just looks at how cute Dallon was being, right now. Normally he was always really composed, so seeing him all flustered and happy was really cute to see.

The waiter gets there with their drinks and Dallon clears his throat, trying to look more serious, but he can't. He keeps smiling, even as the waiter hands them their drinks.

"Thank you," he says and the waiter just nods before walking away again.

Dallon just takes a sip of the scotch whiskey he'd ordered and takes a deep breath.
After dinner, Brendon and Dallon decide to go out for drinks.

Dallon had already had some drinks and he would be lying if he said he wasn't a little tipsy.

It was new, normally he wouldn't drink that much, but he was with Brendon and he knew that it was okay.

"You know, Brendon, you make me feel so happy and weird inside and it's so weird because I've never felt like this before. But I don't mind. I like it."

Brendon just smiles and holds Dallon's hand.

"You make me feel all happy and weird too, Dall. that's called being in love." "I like being in love." "Yeah, me too. Especially with you because you are just the kindest and nicest person ever." "No, that's you."

They go into a nice bar and sit down in a corner before Brendon gets up again.

"I'm gonna get us something to drink, what do you want?" "Uhh, just some wine." "Red, or white?" "White." "Alright."

Brendon walks to the bar and Dallon just looks at him with a smile on his face, feeling happy that Brendon was his.

And he knows that he's just the luckiest man in the world when Brendon waits for their drinks and their eyes meet, even in the crowded place and everyone else seems to fade away, as Brendon smiles at him.

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