Late night shift

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"And she left me with a broken heart. And she fooled me twice and its all my fault, Yeah" I sang loudly as i picked up the empty glasses left on the table in the cafe.

"she cut too deep, now she left me scarred" I continued as i saw up at James who was mouthing the lyrics in front of my face. I chuckled as i put the cups down and turned the sink open to sprinkle som cold water on his face as he closed his eyes and imitaded me singing. the cold water hit his face and he let out a loud gasp.

"You are such a drama queen" i said before sprinting around the cafe. Luckily there were no customers here. We were about to close the cafe, but i had the night shifts. James, my friend, was about to leave soon too. So why not have some fun, right? I ran between the chairs as James followed hot on my tail as his dark laughter filled the room. suddenly my headphones got tangled in one of the chairs and Post Malone blasted from my phone; "OH, I FALL APART, DOWN TO MY CORE, OHH DIDNT KNOW BEFORE".

I looked at James who also stopped dead in his tracks and shaked his head at me as i jumped up and sang along shouting; "EVEN POST MALONE IS SHOUTING FOR YOU JAMES". I swear i could see a smile on his face before he covered it up with a smirk. "I am leaving now, babe. You honestly worry me" he said and i took that as a clue to stop the music (sadly).

"You will be fine, right?" he asked as he followed behind. I opened the door to put the glasses in the kitchen before walking out again. "Of course i will, Jamie. Go before i kick you out" I said and smiled up at his tall frame. I couldnt make him stay with me even though i was scared. Shitless. This wasn't the safest town, to say the least. James blond hair was messy from thugging at it previously. His blue looked dull due to tiredness. We both had been to school today and came directly to work. I could only imagine what i looked like.

James engulfed me in a warm hug as he nuzzled his face in my neck as always. I breathed out accepting the warmth radiating from his body before he had to step away. "Bye" he muttered before taking his bag and walking out.

I looked at the door for a long time after James had exited. Fishing out the ID in my pocket, i looked at for the last time. Isabella Anwar.  I broke it in two as i threw it in the bin. what was the point of looking back if it only brought me sadness? I shook off the thought as I faked on a smile. Trying to make it as realistic as possible. Bella. Just Bella. 


The sound of bells screeching reached my eardrums, signalling that someone had walked in the cofee shop. I scoffed without looking up from the kitchen counter i was cleaning. Great, another customer just when i thought i could leave. The rain drops could be heard from outside as the sky continued to cry. the painful emotion calming my nerves from the sound of the drops hitting the wooden window. Wow, that sounded so depress-

The prescence of a person taking the seat on the opposite side of the counter, snatched my attention. My eyes found their way to the man sitting infront of me as he used one hand to sleek back his dark and wet hair. His forehead glistened from the wetness of the previous rain drops. His tan skin beautifully complementing his striking hazel eyes that were beautifully adorned by thick black lashes-

"If you were done checking me out, i would like to order something" He said firmly. His thick voice the only voice in the coffee shop clear in the air.

"Uh-oh. Sorry" I whispered as my face flushed bright red. "What would you like to drink Sir?" i asked as i straightened my back to appear more serious. He was not the only one who could be intidimidating. Who does he think he is?

"Cofee" he said as he leaned his posture over the counter. His face so close to me that i could feel his breath hit my mouth.

"And make it as black as my soul, dear Bella"

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