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As the Morettis screams echoed in the late Jibrils house, Khalid drove his sister far away from the town he had once loved. Bella looked outside the window, repeating what had just unfolded in front of her. It was safe to say that she couldn't believe it was happening. Was this a nightmare? Was Lorenzo going to wake her up, just like he had done when she had a nightmare of her parents dying? Her mind was full of scenarios that she knew wouldn't turn to reality. This was it. She had lost him, and he had lost her. For forever.

Khalid didn't utter any words, knowing that his sister was going through the shock. He had too when he saw his parents die. Khalid had gone through hell and back. He had nearly died, being depressed and stressed about finding his lost sister wasn't easy on him. The years had made the man immune to hurt. He thought of it as an advantage, but looking at his sister now, he hoped he could feel for her and console her. However, no words helped him out. They were angry at him for inflicting pain at others. They were simply with Sara back in town, who was crying and throwing out words of prayer to god for her son. She knew he would wake up, but it was the after math that would be the hardest. Her heart was bleeding with her son who was unconscious.

God was probably looking down at them with shame. They were inflicting pain to each other for the same reason. The hurt of losing loved ones. It is true what they say; Hurt people, hurt people. However, none of them thought about that. They were completely numb at what had happened in front of them. They had lost the only hope for their capo to recover from the heart breaks he had felt. They were currently taking their capo back home in silence. Hearing Sara, a mother, cry was harder than what is seemed.

Their hurt matched the one in Bellas chest when she saw Khalid park in front of an unfamiliar house. Her limbs dragged themselves out of the car and she started walking towards the door. She didn't come very far before she fell down on the pavement. The feeling of being helpless entered her body, making her feel so strangled. She let out a sob, seeing Ali crunch down to her level. She imagined Lorenzo doing it and felt a lot better, but Ali wasn't Lorenzo. No one was.

"Princess give me a hand" Khalid spoke to his sister softly, while reaching out to her. She cried as she held on to his hand and let him guide her in. She sat on the chair, feeling numb. She didn't have any more tears left and no energy to call for them either.

"I love him Khalid" Bellas hoarse voice spoke out after a while, she could feel her throat ache at the dryness.

"I loved my parents too" Khalid snapped back at her, looking at her with shock. He couldn't believe that she was telling him about this. He simply couldn't care less about him.

Bella nodded, using her hands to wipe away her dried tears and putting her hair up in a pony. "I need to go back" her voice cracked, as she looked at Ali. He was looking down, almost ashamed that he had told Khalid about them to begin with.

Khalid whipped his head to her, before he stalked his way to her like a monster to its prey. "You are going to the man who killed your parents without any fucking reason" he seethed to her, holding her chin up so she could she the murderous look on his face. He didn't look like the Khalid she remembered. He looked dangerous.

"It was a misunderstanding!" Bella shrieked to him, pulling away.

"MISUNDERSTANDING?!" Khalid screamed on top of his lungs, punching the expensive painting on the wall. "What's next?! One day he will kill you because of a fucking misunderstanding! OH HE THINKS THAT YOUR ARE UNFAITHFUL, WELL SHOOT HER BRAINS OUT YEAH?!" Khalid rambled, trying to justify his reasons for hurting his sisters lover.

Bella screamed from frustration as Ali held on to her, pushing her to his chest. Trying to console her and for her to stop screaming. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS KHALID?! ITS OVER, THEY AREN'T COMING BACK BY DOING THIS" She screamed at her brother, who looked at her with pure disgust.

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