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Several days had passed with Lorenzo and Bella hanging out together. She had been to the warehouse and even been present in one of the meetings. She slowly started understanding why he did what he did and that creeped her out. She soothed herself by telling her that he was at least doing justice to others. She had heard that he killed a man who had raped several women and didn't feel sorry for the man at all. How could someone do that?! She had also planned a trip that she didn't tell Lorenzo about.

Lorenzo was falling hard, but didn't understand it yet. He told his family that he was simply infatuated. Nothing more. However, he deep down knew that he was trying to lie to himself. It didn't seem to work though, but that's another topic. With time, he was getting better at the transition from the ruthless mafia leader to the bearable and protective guy Bella could see.

Right now, when Lorenzo was busy at work, Bella was sulking beside James. James sat in front of her with her computer, Bella sitting opposite her. she was munching on her burger furiously, sending prayers and prayers to god.

"Bels, come on. You got this, Bitch" James shrieked, watching her freak out over nothing.

"What if I don't pass the exams James? I am done for then" she spoke, facepalming herself.

"Look, I brought food okay? If you fail, we will eat out hearts out and cry together" James said, hoping that it would help her.

Bellas phone vibrated and she picked it up to see a message from Lorenzo:

                                         Did you check the results, amore?

Bella shut her eyes tightly and breathed out. "Okay James, if I have passed this exam just tell me, but if I don't" she said poking his chest "take the computer with you to the other room and leave the food for me here". James nodded quickly, opening up her computer and clicking on the results. Bella looked at him as if she was going to cry any minute now.


James saw the result and turned the computer to face Bella. Her ocean like eyes, drank up the sight in front of her. She squealed loudly, jumping on James to hug him. James laughed out loudly, throwing popcorn over both of them. They had been too occupied to see Lorenzo standing by the door, watching his woman laugh and giggled as if she had won a lottery. A little smile made its way on his lips, which he shrugged of easily. He cleared his throat, making the two friends pull apart.

"I take this as a sign for you passing or am I wrong?" he spoke with his normal husky voice. James smiled at the interaction between the two love birds.

"You aren't wrong" Bella answered, grinning proudly.

"When am I ever, amore" Lorenzo spoke, elegantly walking towards Bella and pecking her lips. Bella blushed; hearing James mutter an "aww". Lorenzo felt popcorns being thrown over him and furrowed his brows at James. "What? I didn't have roses" James shrugged and walked away.

Bella blushed seeing Lorenzos eyes on her lips again. "My family is arriving from Italy today amore" he told her, seeing some hair strands falling in front of her face. He moved the hair strand away with the gun in his hand, but bit his tongue when he saw Bella crossing her arms at him. he chuckled, putting the gun back. "Sara is throwing them a big party. Everyone will be there" he continued. Bella raised her brows, not knowing where his story was going. "Do you maybe- I don't know- Do you- I mean the gang" he stuttered, trying out different sentences that seemed to not fit in his mouth. Bella saw the man turning flustered in front of her. She kissed him quickly, shutting him up. He melted into her touch, taking the lead on her kissing her. they pulled out after a while, looking into each others eyes. "Will you, Bella Khair, be my date for the night? And the nights after that?" he whispered to her, his mouth inches away from hers. He saw as her lips stretched upwards. "Always" she whispered back, caressing his cheek.

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