Black coffee

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"Shut up, Diablo" I hissed to my dumb friend who was sitting in the passenger seat jamming to the shitty music on the radio. Who listens to the radio anyways?

"Oh, come on. Are you just going to ignore the fact that we are parked outside an university??" he asked as he smiled sheepishly. I mentally slammed myself for bringing this kid alone. How am I supposed to stay low when he has bombarded the music for everyone to hear?

"Look, she must be on her way out. Shut up and sit down" I said sternly not moving my gaze from the door she had walked in early morning.

"My bum is actually dead, you know? Which loser stalks a girl in his car and stays in it for three hours?!!?" he asked frustrated. He was right, my own legs were numb from sitting still in the car, but I could not miss the chance of seeing her. Just in time, she walked out of the door as her dark hair blew from the breeze. Her large jean jacket hiding all her curves I had the pleasure to see the day in the car. Her innocent face as beautiful as a masterpiece. God, is she fucking beautiful.

As if the universe didn't want my heart to bloom the little happiness I experience, I saw her walk into a boys arms. A boy.

"Seems as if your rose already has her petals, lover boy" Diablo as his eyes looked up to what mine was witnessing. I smacked his head, harder than usual, for uttering those disgusting words. He screams as he punched my arm lightly. However, the bitter taste in my mouth was still there after seeing her in that mans arm. his arms wrapped around her waist, where mine should have been. His face buried in her neck, where my face had never been. I gripped the steering wheel tightly and drove of in a speed faster than the one of my beating heart. Diablo had gripped my headrest with one arm, his other holding the seat belt as he cussed in Italian. The boy was going to pay for taking was my eyes is set on.


"Bella, we need you outside!" I heard Anne shout as her head popped in the kitchen. I placed the plates in the sink and put my hair in a looser pony tail as I walked out in my pink apron.

I closed the door to be met by the owner of the familiar honey brown eyes, dressed in another Armani suit.

"Show time" I mentally whispered to myself as I walked up to him.

"Coffee?" I said looking at him directly as he stared back with the same amount of intensity. As if I was the one who had fought a man in an ally, who was found dead the next day.

"Black" he mumbled through his gritted teeth, not breaking eye contact.

My mouth that was much bigger than my fear had a mind of its own, as I spit own the next words in passion; "As black as your soul?"

The shock in his eyes lingered only for a moment before it was replaced with the same anger he had earlier. He didn't get time to respond as James shook my shoulder lightly and crooked his head to the back door. He walked in indicating for me to follow. I looked up at Lorenzo, only to see him holding the water glass tightly. His knuckles completely white. I gulped as I speed walked to the kitchen where I saw Anne and James talk. She was on her way out, but looked back at James only to say "Update Bella, please" before she disappeared holding a black coffee cup.

"Do you want to die?!" he said immediately as Anne walked out. I knew what he was talking about, but pretended to be oblivious. I hadn't told James of anything other than the first time I met him. I knew he would freak out.

"That is Lorenzo, Bels. He is a regular client. No talking back to the guy or shooting daggers at him If you want to survive the day" he said dragging me back inside to café.

I was about to walk to the next customer when I heard James scream. I turned around to see coffee stains on James shirt. I gasped as I saw Lorenzos tall frame standing beside him holding the cup, with no emotions on his face. DID HE JUST SPILL HOT COFFEE ON JAMES?!

"Tomorrow at 10, I will be outside your University waiting."

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