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Name: Khalid Jibril Anwar

Age: 27

Ethnicity: Persian

Parents: Jibril Anwar and Jasmin Anwar

Siblings: Sister, unknown

Location: Unknown

Work: Unknown

My eyes skipped through the information automatically, because I had read it over and over. I had been busy the whole day finding information about Khalid. His father, Jibril, had been a spy working undercover to bust the drug world. He had come close to my own father Juan Moretti, the king of the underworld. They had made a friendship beyond words. Jibril had understood that Juan wasn't the man who was portrayed as a demon. He too had inherited the business from his father, making him the heir and leader of the MORRETIS. Juan thought he had found a friend in Jibril and told him his darkest secrets. He didn't know that the man he had thought of as a brother and friend was a backstabber. He had gone to the FBI with the information he had about Juan and planned an attack against him. he knew that Juan would be alone in England with his family and decided to end their life as if they hadn't shared tears and laughs together. The death of my parents was hard. So hard that I had taken it on my own to kill Jibril after I was chosen to be the next capo. I had killed him just like he killed my parents. Never in million years did I ever think that his son would come after me. Why would he come if it was his father's fault that he was murdered by me? I can't even wrap my head around it.

The door of the office opened with Scar holding a pile of files in his hands. He put it on my desk and started skimming through. We had been like this for hours now, tracking and gathering information. It was safe to say that I was back in capo modus. And I was secretly happy to have business to think about again. I had to escape my thoughts one way or another. Business had always been my place where I knew I was the best. It felt good doing what I knew I could do. My gang had always everything under control. It was of course some minor issues, but they were nothing I couldn't fix in a minute. This, however, was bigger. This was personal.

"It's weird that the sister is unknown, huh?" Scar muttered after a while. I nodded; the thought was stuck in my head.

"Probably the typical "wanted to save my family" issue" I answered, gathering the photos of a young Khalid. His appearance was the usual Persian looking. Tan skin, black hair, broad shoulder, tall, blah blah. But what stood out the most, was the ocean like eyes that I hadn't seen much of. His tan skin really made them the focus of his face.

"Why are you two doing this when he will personally come here to meet you?" Diegos voice interrupted the silence.

Lorenzo sighed loudly before closing his eyes. "It's too good isn't it? I ask him once to have a war against the biggest gang in Italy and he turns around and accepts immediately. Not only that, but he himself will come to us. Not the other way around, when in reality, it should be us going. On top of that, he hasn't asked for anything. The guy is rich, he doesn't need money. What the fuck does he want then?" I thought out loud, making sense of the chaos in my head.

"I mean, you gotta know the enemy Diego" Scar simplified my thoughts and went back to work. I was about to do the same when Charles walked in. I suppressed a yawn, not wanting to show the tiredness I was feeling. It is late and by seeing the gang so active, I can't go and sleep. The thought of familia passed through me and I mentally cursed. They hadn't come from Italy for nothing. They should probably have company by Charles at least.

"You were right about washing of the money. It seems as if they are using school kids to pack the drugs in their backpacks and traveling to the borders. The security isn't strict on the kids for obvious reasons and they are using that as their advantage. Not only that, but it seems as if he brought the kids." Charles rushed out the information. Scar hadn't looked up and was deep into what looked like the family tree of Khalid. Diego was on his way out when I stopped him abruptly.

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