Silk robe

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I looked at the man who was sleeping peacefully in my bed. His arms clutched the pillows, as his chest rose with every breath he took. He had insisted on taking of his shirt in his drunken state. Specifically telling me to do it. I didn't protest wanting the process to be over. It had been a long tiring day and I mentally thanked God that I didn't have work tomorrow. I can't even wrap my head around what had happened today. It feels as if I just sat with Caleb in the cafe talking and laughing of his dumb pick-up lines before he was beaten to the ground. I shivered at the thought. Was he okay? I looked back at Lorenzo; his face completely blank. He looked much better when he didn't play on his intimidating aura, gritting his teeth, scowling and all that. I sighed loudly.

I couldn't ignore the feeling I had felt the day after he had laughed in the cafe. LAUGHED. This guy doesn't even smile at me, laughing felt like a dream. A dream I wasn't ready to chase after. He didn't come to the café the following days, and I kind of missed him? It was stupid, I know! But I was secretly waiting for him to walk through the cafes glass door, as the bell would make a noise signaling to a new customer. However, he didn't come. How could he just come and tell me that I am his, when he doesn't even talk to me? Snap out of it Bella, he isn't your boyfriend or the guy you went on a date with. He is a mafia leader, killing and selling drugs. He won't bring you chocolate and roses on your birthday. He didn't care. That's why he went to the strip club. Why would he tell me that? And why did I care? My heart had burned at the thought of him being touched and touching another woman. This is bad. So bad.

I brushed my fingers through my hair looking at myself in the mirror. I traced my fingers on my lips, that he had claimed his. My tummy filled with a funny feeling as I thought about our kiss. He was irresistible. His words were smooth, luring me in. «I would stop smoking for you». I knew from previous conversations that his smoking habit was his addiction. Was he serious? OMG, does his heart problems come from smoking? I had told him that!

«Smoking kills you know? » I said and regretted my words immediately.

«It does? » He asked as if he already didn't know. God, why am I so stupid?

«Yeah, each year about 15 000 people die because of smoking» I stated proudly.

I picked up his blazer from the floor checking if he had a mobile, I could use. He was sick, someone had to be here for when he wakes up. I don't think it's okay to drink so much with a sickness. What if he gets worse? The thought alone was enough for me to grab the mobile before I realized that he didn't have a password. Weird. He had several calls from someone named «Diego». Diego! He was the guy James told me about. The one who drove him home when I had fainted, right? Well, I have no other choice. I pressed the button as I held his mobile to my ear. I looked at Lorenzo who was still asleep. The duvet laid lower on his body, exposing his tan chest and defined back muscles. He must work out a lot. I was surprised to see several tattoos on his back too. Is that written in Arabic?

«O MY GOD! Where are you?! Do you know how worried mum is?! Per favore (please), quit your shit. Come home so mum can take care of you. Mi dispiace (I'm sorry) Lorenzo, I was just really angry and frustrated and I fuck- talk! » someone, I am assuming Diego, blabbered into the phone.

«Hi? » I squeaked into the phone and was met with silence. I could her him mummering something to someone in the background, but I couldn't understand the language.

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