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"Here is the water, Sara" I rushed into the guest room, handing her the glass of water she had requested. She was sitting by an unconscious Lorenzo, who looked just as intimidating as per usual. I was scared to look at him even it this state. Sara stood up as she dimmed the lights to a more comfortable setting, seeing as it wasn't blaring in our eyes anymore.

"Diego said that he already had a headache" she explained, even if she didn't have to. I nodded even if I knew that she couldn't see me. James had entered the room as well, standing by my side. We both saw as Sara dipped her fingers into the water and sprinkled it on Lorenzos face. She had removed his jacket leaving him in his tight shirt that exposed his muscular body. He surely did work out. The thought of his exposed body made me flush red, to which James shoved me lightly and chuckled. He wriggled his eyebrows in Lorenzos direction, making me even more nervous. If Sara caught us being like this when Lorenzo was unconscious, I would jump out the window from the embarrassment.

The groan that came out of Lorenzos plump lips, was enough to break my thoughts. I saw as Sara tried to lift the grown man up to sit. I urged James to help, which he did with no hesitation. Diego was nowhere to be seen; he was probably sleeping his ass of. Thankful that Lorenzo actually dragged him up the window, instead of letting go.

"Oh honey, drink this water" Sara urged as she held up another glass of water for him to drink. He did, without uttering a single word. He closed his eyes again as he mumbled out his words: "I am fine, Sara". His voice was thick and hoarse, as if he had just woken up. My heart slammed louder against my chest, as I noticed that he was ignoring me. "Yeah, yeah, sure. Do you think of me as a stupid woman that will believe that? Why is Diego drunk, Lorenzo? Huh? What did I tell you? As an older brother, you will snitch to me about what he does. I didn't tell you to do it with him. So much so, that you climb up the window and scare Bella. on top of that, you faint from drinking! What will I do with you two?! One day I will die from heart attack and then you two- "

"Sara" Lorenzo interrupted her speech. "I didn't know one could faint from drinking; I swear" he breathed out in his husky voice as his eyes lingered on me. He watched me up and down, obviously checking me out in front of everybody. My face was probably red by now.

"Well now you know" Sara scolded him further, clearly missing the taunt Lorenzo had passed to me.

"I am so hungry Sara, at least give me food before scolding me" he said to Sara, still having his eyes rake down my body. I sat down on the end of the bed, feeling too uncomfortable. Sara proceeded to kiss his forehead before she ran to the kitchen while muttering something in a foreign language.

Now that Sara was out of the room, it was only me, James and Lorenzo left. Lorenzo laid back in his bed, hissing in the process. His eyes were shut tightly as if he was in pain.

"JAMES!" Sara called out and I watched as James finally breathed out and nearly ran out of the room. It felt weird to stare at the sleeping man that I was so scared to talk to. It was weird really, how it was so hard to imagine us laying together in bed now that I knew he was dangerous. It felt scary and I don't even know. It was right to say that I was shaken up after he had screamed at me. He made my thoughts shake by only looking at me.

"Are you just going to stare at me?" his voice interrupted my thoughts again. Couldn't he just allow me to think peacefully? he was looking at me with no emotions in his eyes. I could hear Sara and James chatter away in the kitchen and Diego was probably sleeping. This was my chance. I scooted closer to him on the bed without looking at him.

"Lorenzo, I am so sorry for"- I started my apology but was cut off by him.

"Leave" he said looking at me with no emotion at all. Weirdly, I wanted him to beg me to stay. I suddenly hated the lack of attention he was giving me. How is he fine without me while I am a wreak without him?!

"I am in my own room" I stated sassily as I stood up from bed and started folding my clothes that was piled on the chair. The lord knows that I was no clean freak, I was just trying to look occupied.

"Your room?" he chuckled, making the butterflies in my stomach churn with excitement. I nodded, not trusting my own face. "Since when?"

I didn't turn around as I continued cleaning MY room, while answering; "Since you went to vacation, remember?"

I didn't hear an answer, so I continued putting the red dress I had worn in a bag I got from Sara. I started cleaning the rest of the room too, since I felt uncomfortable by being in the same room as Lorenzo. After a while, I heard the bed creak. Indicating that he had stood up. I was about to turn around and tell him that it would have been better if he laid down, until my eyes witnessed HIM. He was changing right in front of me! His shirt was off by now, exposing the tattoos and muscles that all blended together to portray him as a man. Not even a boy, but a man. He was about to unzip his pants until I shrieked.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, loud enough for only him to hear.

"What does it look like I am doing?" he asked back, careless of the situation I was in.

"Put on your clothes. what if someone walks in?" I said trying to convince him to put his clothes back on. What would Sara and James think if they were to walk in?!

"For someone who doesn't let me claim her, you sure as hell are claiming my body amore"

It felt good hearing the foreign word that had become so homely to me.

"I didn't mean it like that" I said as I stood up to walk out to the kitchen. I was about to walk away, until I felt his hand grab my arm. my hands found the way to his chest and I looked as he used the other hand to take of his pants. I wriggled in his grip, but he only held me tighter and closer to his body. The fabric of his boxers and my underwear were the only thing that kept a barrier between us. The long T- shirt that I had found, had ridden up to my waist. giving Lorenzo full access to travel his hands around my body. As if he was trying to memorize something.

"Lorenzo" I whispered into his ear, to which he stiffened and breathed in sharply. "Hmm" he indicated for me to talk. "I am so sorry-" I started off again until I was interrupted again!

"Amore, I can't hear your apology if you continue to strut around the room in my T-shirt, showing of your long and sexy legs to tempt me. My friend hasn't got action for a few weeks and your perky ass doesn't help my situation. Do you understand?" he whispered back, pinning me against the wall. I looked down, to avoid seeing the lust in his eyes.

"Lorenzo I- I can't- I have" I stuttered like an idiot, but was stopped immediately when he pressed his hard on to my HO-HA. OMFG. I gasped loudly at the sudden pressure.

"Does your boytoy look like this, baby?"

I was about to answer, until the door flew open revealing a shocked face that I never thought I would see again.

"Sir Moretti, I heard you were unwell"

"Doctor" Lorenzo hissed, leaving me dumbfounded. 

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