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My fancy shoes hit the marble floor as I walk inside the meeting room, confidence and authority radiating from my body. The sound of my steps lingered in the air filling it with anticipation. I held my chin high and shoulders stiff as I passed by my workers. Girls and boys scurrying away, not to fall in front of the beast's eyes. Eyes that held both rage and venom. I pushed open the door roughly as I saw my workers eyes snap to the floor, too afraid to look me in my eyes. I cared for my people, but business was business. Every mistake had to be paid for by death. Nothing other than death. I could hear low mummers in the big room, but one stood out to me; «The beast is here». As if the rage in me wasn't enough to shatter me, I took the glass nearby clutching into it hard. So hard that the sound of glass was soon heard, in the now silent room. Completely silent, without any mummers. The glass had cut a gash in my hand and I was sure that the stupid doctor was somewhere in the midst of all these people, cringing at the thought of infection. Stupid. Fucking stupid.

«I got a call today telling me that my truck to zone 15 didn't meet at the destination. Everyone in this room is responsible for a safe drug delivery, am I right?!» I roared loudly, the veins in my neck popping off. The boys nodded fast with their girls hiding behind their backs, fearing for what their boss was capable of. Suddenly the heavy feeling entered my heart again, quietly and without me knowing. Bella. If she was here, hypothetically, would she grab my arm like that? Snap out of it, Lorenzo. You will claim her, not love her. A mafia leader does not love.

«Now, you have to repay the consequences of your dumb mistake. Every fucking being in this room will find me my truck loaded with drugs, a millions worth. If I don't have it in front of me by tomorrow, I will kill everyone here. One by one. Selling your precious women and getting my money back that way» I said, venom dripping with every word. «NOW FUCKING GET AWAY FROM MY EYES» I screamed as everyone fled out of the room. I stood there still after everyone had left. You could even hear the blood from my hand, land on the marble floor, that's how silent it was. I don't even know if I am breathing. Despite the quietness surrounding me, my mind is filled with chaos. How could the boys be so irresponsible?

«Come sta? (how are you)» I heard Diego from behind me as he put a hand on my shoulder. He knew how important the business was for me. Nothing was more important than business and family. The money we made went back to the gang. The expenses of the houses, the food, the doctor, the trucks, EVERYTHING! We still had money; we always did. I knew that I could support the gang with the amount of money I had, but we had a target on our backs. Being the Mafia leader with the biggest gang in England was not easy. We always had eyes on us, every mistake gave them a room to fuck with us. And no one fucks with my family.

«Sto bene (I'm fine)» I muttered as I fixed my blazer. Diego looked at me with worry in his eyes, but I ignored him as I started to walk out of the building. I needed a relief to shut the chaos in my head, so I let my legs lead the way to the strip club down the road. I needed something to forget about the business and the lady that had occupied my mind. After my last visit at the cafe, a few days ago, I hadn't been the same. I would picture her everywhere. In my house cooking breakfast. In my favorite restaurant where she would sit on the other side, looking beautiful. In my bed, where she would moan my sinful name with her pearl like tongue. Fuck. I had gone insane! My suit pants felt tighter, as I cursed out walking faster down the road bumping into a few people. No one dared talking to me, as if they already knew I was ready to break something. My thoughts were cut as I opened the door to the strip club, as the owner ran to me. Greeting me as he led me to the VIP section. The rest was a blur, as I still felt the emptiness in my heart despite the blond bimbo satisfying my every other need.

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