Beauty and the Beast

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His phone starts ringing as he digs in his pocket to pick it up. "Lorenzo" he says without any proper greeting. Rude

James pushes me lightly mouthing; "You okay?". His cheeky smile doesn't get unnoticed by me as I nod quickly. Ali looks at us both as we shake our heads to show him that it isn't anything important.

A fake cough breaks our terrible communicating skills as we all look up at Lorenzo. He is standing in the middle of my girly kitchen in his expensive black suit with his hair gelled back beautifully. He looks like a million dollars, to say the least. I curse myself for dreaming about this man, who potentially is a murderer, thief and god knows what. He is a Mafia leader for a reason!

"I will take my lead. Thank you for the coffee, love" he says, his voice dropping lower. He doesn't advert his eyes anywhere other than me, as he walks closer to me, leaning down to kiss my cheek. His lips are rough, but feels so good against my soft skin. My skin begs for his touch when he pulls back too fast, walking out without glancing back once. James squeals as my front door closes and turns me around to meet his eye immediately.

"What was that?!" he shrieks, his eyes holding excitement. Ali rolls his eyes as he walks out the kitchen. I follow him, ignoring James totally. He is too busy day-dreaming about a Mafia. He can get Lorenzo, if he wants him. I see Ali plopping himself on the sofa as he takes the controller to switch on the TV. However, I snatch it from his hands before he has a chance.

"Ali, are you not going to say anything?" I ask in disbelief. Ali is the only person I trust to give me advice. He is like a brother to me. A really nice brother.

"I will, the mafia totally likes you" James interrupt us as he sits down next to Ali, cuddling to his side.

I take a pillow from the chair next to me and throw it on him. He laughs as he mimics the coffee man. "That's all you have, love?" he says in a husky and low voice before resuming back to his laugh.

"Ali!" I scream at the man, who is lost in his thoughts somewhere.

"Who knew that a sexy beast like him- OMG BEAST AND BELLA! BEAUTY AND THE BEAST" James screams as he starts singing the theme song. I run behind him trying to shut him up! I have neighbors ok?! Suddenly I trip on my own as I land straight on the floor with my face down. I let a groan as I see James and Ali hurry to my side before I see black.


"O my god, I am sorry ok? I feel horrible. Is she dead?" I can hear someone whisper alongside a "Shush".

"My head is throbbing" I whisper back, hoping that my voice is loud enough for one of them to hear.

"Open your eyes, Bells" I hear Ali say gently as he massages my head. I can feel James rubbing circles on my hand and it takes everything in me not to laugh at him. I know that he is being sweet, but this is just too much. I am going to tease him so much after this.

I open my eyes as I look up at the worried expressions. I lift my head from the pillow as I see myself laying on the couch in a weird position as the two idiots are looking down at me as if I died.

Suddenly my vision is blurred again from the sudden movement and the room starts to spin. I stand up immediately as pain shoots through my body. I need water. And food. When did I last eat?

The thoughts cant process in my mind before my bowling hot body lands with another thud on the floor, stressing the two guys out even more.



I leave Bellas place as I call Diego again. Now that I know the guy is gay, he is approved.

"What's up?" I hear Diego scream, as giggles and party music are heard from the background. I roll my eyes, picturing where he must be.

"The guy you talked about, James. I have handled that. No need to worry" I say as I cut the call.

I walk to my car as I start driving down the street. My mind rummaging through work that has been done and work that is left behind. A picture of Alexander runs through my mind. Should I kill him? I mean, is a scarred face the only punishment for fucking with Lorenzo Moretti?

Another call snaps me back to reality as I look at the caller ID. Huh, not a saved number. Who can get the access to my number, other than my workers?

"Lorenzo" I say picking up the call.

"Hi, this is Ali". That sentence is enough to catch my attention as I stay silent for him to continue. "I know that this is a terrible thing to do, but since you seem to be Bellas friend I just thought that-" the mention of Bella makes me cut the conversation short.

"What happened?" i say trying to sound as careless as I can. Only God knows, how much my heart is racing. I rub my beard in anticipation;

"Bella fainted! Twice! And I don't have a car to drive her-" his panicked voice reaches my ears. 

"I am on my way" I say immediately, taking a U-turn. My eyes in desperate need to see my Bella completely fine.


"What did he say?" James says looking up at me with worry in his eyes.

"He is on his way" I mumble trying to figure out if I am doing the right thing.

I clench the wrinkled paper with Lorenzos number scribbled on top as I look at Bels who is unconscious on the couch. At first, I thought I could handle her fainting, but after hearing her say that her head hurts and fainting again, I can't take a chance. However, I know that she probably will be pissed if she knew I called the "mafia" she feared, but to be honest I think we all know that he won't hurt her. I see it in the way he looks at her and behaves. I have seen him outside before and he does not look this relaxed and at ease. I can't blame him. Bella is beautiful and innocent, just like someone he needs. Words on the street is maybe right. He may be a mafia. he may have an illegal drug business. He may have robbed banks. Heck, he must have killed someone. However, every beast has a dark past, right? 

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