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I crossed my arms to chest as I looked at all the boys walking in the ware house and finding themselves a corner to sit down at. The room was full of silence, probably because I woke them up from their sleep when I called out an important meeting. I cleared my throat, seeing their heads snap to me. I could barely make out Diego walking in and closing the door, trying not to make noise.

"As you all can see, I am back in town" I started off, watching the boys lips twitch slightly. "And I have brought good news".

"Food?" I heard Scar whisper to another worker, earning a shove in return.

"Something much more important Scar. I have brought my own brother, Marco" expecting there to be a big reaction, I was shocked when no words were uttered. Not even Scar said anything stupid this time. Some looked down not knowing what to say. Too confused if I had gone mental.

"Moretti, we haven't found Marco in years" Caleb muttered from a close distant.

"Cheer up lads. We found him when I sent the boys out to go searching for the missing van" I started explaining as I handed the photo of Marco to one of the boys. His eyes went wide before he handed it over to someone else, one after another. "however, we do not know what we are dealing with right now. Remember that we didn't just find him passing around in the city. He stole a van with the value of millions, not knowing it was ours. The arrival of Marco could be dangerous, which is why I will be the one to carry on with this mission".

I could see the boys looking at me with both happiness and confusion. I was about to continue until Scar lifted up his hand as a request to ask a question. I nodded to which he explained his confusion; "We are all a family and Marcos arrival means just as much for us, man. That's just stupid"

"What he is trying to say is that we don't want to lose you too, Moretti. Family means

Support and we are here to do that" Caleb, the older and wiser one of the gang, interrupted Scars bullshit.

I nodded as I suddenly remember another reason for the meeting.

"Perfect, but listen up" I said louder when I noticed the guys excitedly started talking about Marco.

"The news guy is blackmailing us for the videos of the murder of Bill Hansen. I want his dead body buried in my garden by tomorrow"

"DONE!" Scar screamed from the back. I wasn't the only one who found it hilarious, hearing the boys laugh loudly.

"Is that all?" Diego asked after the laughter died down. The gang meetings had never been this optimistic and I secretly liked the feeling of knowing that the guys had it good.

"That's all" I said, before the room was bombarded with excited squeals and alcohol being shared as if it was fucking Christmas gifts.


"You better not be drunk kid" I said to Diego as I walked in front of him to the house. The lights were shut, and I waited for the idiot to take out the house keys.

"What are you looking at?" he asked irritatingly and smiled as if he was the funniest person on earth.

"Where are the keys?" I asked the most logical question.

"That's a good question" he answered, continuing to smile. I slapped his newly shaven head , hearing him hiss.

"You can just ring the bell" he shrieked loudly.

"SHHHH" I silenced him quickly. "I don't want to hear Saras long speech today, ok? My head has hammered all day long and I just need to sleep"

"Ahhhh what now???" Diego whined like a little girl.

"Shut up and follow me"

We walked around the house until we could see in the house. It totally felt as if I was younger again and sent out to rob a house or something. Only that I wouldn't go with someone like Diego who was currently chuckling and tripping everywhere.

"Look" I said to Diego, as I pointed to the guest room I used. The lights were on and this was my only chance at getting Diego home without 1) Sara knowing that Diego had a few drinks in front of me and 2) getting a lecture about how stupid I am.

"Well, surprise surprise. James is our hero"


I washed my hands even though I hadn't been to the restroom. This was the second time I had woken up from a bad dream, even though the lights were on. I was completely exhausted, but the universe wasn't on my side as I heard noises from the room. My eyes went wide as I pressed my ear to the door.

"Hurry, hold my hand" I heard someone whisper. IS SARA GETTING ROBBED?!

"I believe I can flyyy" another man whined in this weird and creepy voice. O.M.G SHE IS TOTALLY GETTING ROBBED

"Do you want a fucking slap?!" I gasped at that as I jumped back from the door. I looked around in the bath before my eyes landed on the fancy vase. It was truly beautiful and if it hadn't been for this particular situation, I would surely take decoration inspiration for it.

I opened the door slowly, making sure it didn't make any noise. My eyes were immediately met with the sight of someone hunched over the window dragging someone else up. I couldn't make up the faces, but I wasn't going to try to either. I lunged at the man and directly hit the vase to the intruder's head harshly.



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