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Lorenzos eyes flickered open at the sound of rain droplets falling against his window, making soothing sounds to calm his raging heart. His head laid on something soft and he looked up to see Charles fast asleep. His hand laid against his head, as if he had stroked his hair for him to fall asleep. Charles used to do that to him when he was younger, but quickly stopped when his parents died. Lorenzo as a child had felt that he stopped, to indirectly tell him that he needed to grow up. Growing up felt like a pressure when he was young, but he accepted his responsibilities. There was simply no other choice. 

Charles also used to tell him that Marco was most likely dead and to not look for him. Thinking back, he assumed it was because he wanted to save Marco from the dangerous underworld that had turned Lorenzo into a cruel beast. He did it for Marcos best, but Lorenzo felt neglected again. What made people care less about him compared to others? Even as a child, he was the one tossed into the river when it should have been Marco. He imagined that one of the reasons to him loving Bella, was that she cared about him the most. Even a little cut on his hand was a big issue for her. He liked it. The feeling of being cared for.

The thought of Bella made him whip up his head from Charles lap. He patted his pockets, not caring about the old man waking up by the sudden moment. He didn't know if he should have been angry at Charles for stopping him. Lorenzo didn't feel the object he was desperately trying to find, but when his eyes landed on his blazer on the chair, he almost ran to it. Charles rubbed his eyes, looking at the man with sorrow. He knew what he was about to do. Lorenzo pulled out the rings from his pockets and sighed loudly. He sat back in the chair and looked at the diamond rings. 

«Take this as a promise between us amore. A proof of my loyalty to you and yours to me. I want the world to see you as mine. Only mine. But if it gets too much, leave one of the rings here and I will understand. I will let you fly away with your wings. But for now, Bella Khair, will you be my girlfriend officially?"

The thought made him laugh out loud. He looked animalistic to Charles who shut his eyes tightly, not wanting to see the man he considered his own son so vulnerable. Especially, since he couldn't do anything to stop it. Lorenzos thick laughter scared the walls, who wanted to shudder in fear. He looked bad, he looked like what he had when he heard of his parents death. He had laughed just like in this moment, because he didn't want to show weakness.

"Charlie, you lied" Lorenzo spoke after his laughter had died down. Charles looked up as he heard the nickname Lorenzo used to call him when he was younger. "About what son?" he asked, sitting up. It was now that Lorenzo looked at him closely. Charles had many wrinkles now, probably because of the stress and frown he always used to have. His skin was looser than it had been. The age was clearly catching up on him. "Everything" Lorenzos voice cracked, coming out lighter than he had expected it to. He coughed, speaking again; "You and father said that no one could love men like us. You were wrong. She loved me and I felt it" he continued, kissing the ring in his hands. Charles sighed as he shook his head; "I know she loved you son, but Juan always thought about the future. Not loving and caring about another person would have avoided the pain you are feeling" he explained to the young man. Lorenzo chuckled while muttering; "Too late".

"Pain happens when you care about someone"

"Why didn't you tell me, Charlie? I was a big boy, I could take it" he asked the old man, who looked away. The haunting memories flooding back in his mind. He knew that Lorenzo was referring to the incident with Marco. 

"I am like his father Lorenzo. I couldn't inflict him pain" he told him desperately. The answer didn't sit well with Lorenzo though, seeing as he stood up from his chair and kicked it against the wall. "YOU WERE LIKE MY FATHER TOO" he screamed, feeling tears well up in his eyes. "HOW COULD YOU JUST TRADE ME FOR HIM?! I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS CHARLIE! I DIDN'T DO IT!" Lorenzo screamed and trashed everything he could get his hands on. He started with the beige curtains he once had found care in. The curtains that Bella had picked out of many. Charles saw as he did damage to his room that he had shared with his lover.

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