Syndrome; Whipped

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I parked the car and got out with Diego by my side. I had known him from before I was put in a gang by my father. He had been my only friend who had known about my rough family life. he was also there to see the changes in my behavior. After my parent's death, he had been the only one who had stuck around to see me turn into a monster. I had offered for him to leave and live his normal family life. He had declined my offer and lived a double life. One in front of his family like a mechanic and one with the gang. However, his plan didn't work as his mother soon found out about Diablos gang life. she didn't accept it at first, but I think she warmed up to it. She understood that I would take care of him. And I did, resulting me in purposely giving him stupid missions such as being my driver and threatening some idiots. He still got his normal pay though. I couldn't let his mother down, she gave me the sense of home and normality.

We both walked to the basement house where all the gang members were allowed to stay. Some of them were guys with rough lives who had stumbled upon danger and found themselves in trouble. By working for me, they got security and a house to live in. The guys got along well so I didn't need to worry about stupid fights. We fought others, not each other. This is my familia.

I walked inside as Diego asked for the doctor. He happened to be a medical student who had been jailed because he had driven his own illegal business in school. The guy sold medicine that could be made to drugs, to guys like me. I nodded as a greeting at the gang guys as they greeted me in silence. I followed Diego up the stairs and entered a room, that I guessed was the doctors. I was proved right when Diego barged into his room saying; "Your boss needs to get laid". I shoved him out of the way seeing the doctor standing there with wide eyes. shocked by the fact that I hadn't smashed Diegos face. I sat down on a chair in his room before turning to him;

"Arent you going to ask about my condition, Doctor?" I said in a low voice as I heard someone else enter the room. Sara. Diegos mother. I rolled my eyes as I stared at Diegos. Did he just snitch to his mother?!

"Oh, my son! Are you feeling better?" she said soothingly, hugging me properly and peppering me with kisses. Diego smiled annoyingly as I tried to get my words out. "Not in front of my workers, Sara" I whispered. Too which she thankfully let go.

The Doctor kid coughed before finally speaking something valuable; "May I ask about what brings you here Boss? You have never came in before" he said putting on his gloves.

"That is because it isn't something that can be fixed physically. Its just that.." I started off seeing how three musketeers sat down and looked at me seriously. Sara nodded urging me to continue.

"Erm, I don't even know how to start this. Lately I have been feeling this feeling of.." I tried again before losing all my words again. Shit.

"Tell them what you told me about you sweating like a dog in front of a chick" Diego interrupted earning a slap on the head from me. He hissed earning a light slap from Sara.

"I didn't say it like that idiot. I said that I feel nervous, anxious and....its like a fucking bird nest is in my stomach you know? it's a funny feeling. Yeah, a funny feeling. That's the word. And other times, its like my heart just fucking flutters and does jumping and shit. Others times it feels heavy" I said looking at the doctor who was fiddling with his fingers with his eyebrows raised. He was reacting as if I had told him something magical.

"That sounds rough, man" Diego muttered from beside me. I nodded, it was rough.

"So, what say doctor?" I said looking at the doctor who was now looking at Sara who was smiling.

"Does this feeling occur all the time? Or.." he asked looking really interested

"Well, no. its only in the presence of...this is dumb. I will take my leave now" I said standing up to which Sara held my arm trying to jerk me down. Failing miserably. I sat down again as I sighed loudly.

"is it a girl?" Sara asked, as I looked straight at the doctor who seemed relieved that he didn't have to question me. I saw Diegos eyebrow shoot up as he now smirked down at me. Why do I even bring him with me?

Just in time, my phone started ringing. An unknown number was calling and I picked up ignoring the three musketeers. Desperately trying to run from this conversation that was meant to be about my health, not a lady in my life.

"Lorenzo" I said firmly as I saw Sara rolling her eyes at my greeting. To which Diego only chuckled.

"Um, Hi" I heard my angels voice on the other side. I guess the volume was too high as I saw every face whip to me. Even the Doctor kid was staring at me now. Does Bella even know what I do for her?

"uh, Hi" I answered back, trying to sound less harsh and firm. Sara squealed and jumped up and down. Whispering something to Diablo and the doctor.

"I just wanted to thank you? Uh, Ali told me everything and I just felt bad for not thanking you. I shouldnt have judged you. Having in mind that you have only helped me" she said and I could only imagine her biting that lip of hers. Fuck.

"No need to thank me baby. It was my duty" I said trying to be careful, knowing that my conversation was being listened to. You are mine Bella, remember?

"Oh, okay. Goodnight" she said to which I replied "Bye" before I hung up.

I looked up at three faces staring at me with disbelief. "Bye?" Diego whispered as he pinched himself. I rolled my eyes before standing up and fixing my coat. Sara smiled at me widely making me even more confused.

"I must take my leave. Take care Sara and fuck you Diego" I said as I started taking long strides towards my door.

"Boss!" Doctor screamed as I turned towards him. He smiled nervously and fiddled with his finger before throwing me in shock at his next sentence;

"About your health issue, your syndromes name is whipped"

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