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I clutched the steering wheel tightly, my knuckles turning white. The frustration built inside me as I punched the wheel, hearing James shriek in a pitched voice beside me. I turned my head to him as I brushed through my damp hair with my fingers. Fear was evident in his eyes by the way he was looking around as if he was planning an escape. I placed my finger in front of my mouth to indicate for him to shut up. This dude is scared of everything!

"You there?" I heard my cousins voice through the speaker

"Yeah, but I have company. I will call you later" I said, already regretting my decision to put this conversation on speaker in front of James.

"But what about the money the news is asking for? You can't just kill someone outside a fucking-" I cut the call without any hesitation as I continued driving. James was completely trembling from both fear and the cold, but that wasn't my main concern now. According to him, Bella is at Alis place. Thank god he told me that before he heard my conversation with my cousin. The news channel idiot is asking for a large amount of money to erase the video footage of me killing the guy outside the café. He doesn't know who he is fucking with. I will have to pay him a visit later and erase the situation completely.

The silence in the car blossomed a thinking stream in my mind. I need a plan for today. I have to bring Bella back, pay news guy a visit and set a plan for Marco. So much to do in such a tight schedule. I sigh lowly as I think back to all the work that has to be done. I need to have a gang meeting tomorrow. The stress and jet lag is clearly catching up to me, but work comes first. I just arrived back and dealing with mess yet again. Is it so hard to function without me for a damn day?!

"Are you married?" James voice silenced my thoughts with a question. I chuckled lightly finding humor in his question. He was scared, yet he wasn't done asking me stupid questions. I shook my head as a reply, lighting up a cigarette. James furrowed his eyebrows as a response, not quite satisfied with my answer. No words were uttered from his mouth, as he turned his head away. Now I know why he and Bella are friends. Both are equally as curious and irritating.

"What?" I snapped at him, still looking ahead as I rolled down my window to blow smoke out.

"Nothing, just thought that you may have a family" he muttered, his cheeks flushing red. I coughed from the sudden statement as I furrowed my brows at him. "Well I don't, not my thing" I said looking at him before diverting my attention back to the road. It was a long drive and just imagining Bella walking this distance, made me even more angry than I already was at her. Maybe Damon drove her, fuck, she is in a lot a trouble

"oh" was the only thing he said, looking everywhere trying to avoid my gaze. I slowed down as he told me we were close and before I knew it, I was standing outside the apartment. James was stood behind me, inspecting my every move. I could tell that he was scared after my conversation about killing someone. He had gone back to being terrified by me. Good

I lifted my fist and knocked on the door, to no avail. I pressed the ring button, no avail. I pounded on the door, still no avail. I looked back at James who was looking at the ground.

"Call her name" I whispered to him, giving him space so he could stand in my place.

"Bella, its me! Open the door babe-" he started before I punched him hard on his shoulder. He screamed out in agony.

"what was that for?!" he hissed at me, before looking down

"Step aside" I said as I pushed him lightly to the side before getting ready to break open the door. I used all my strength as my body came in contact with the door. James gasped each time until the door was broken open. I walked in, hearing James footsteps following me from behind.

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