Unappreciative host

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The new kid Russo had quivered and trembled as he had shown me the pictures of Bella and that boy. I had shouted and shattered all the glass I could find in the room before heading to her apartment. My head was pounding, and I could really need some sleep. However, it seems as if my rose doesn't understand that she can't be among other men. What can I say? I am a really jealous man. She should really know not to mess with me this way. I do not repeat myself. And for that boy, I was going to handle him later. I patted my blazer and breathed out in relief as I felt the gun in my pocket.

Diablo had threatened her landlord and gotten her house key. I almost smiled at the thought, he really proves that he is my best man. Almost. I walked inside her apartment as the aura of her lingered in the air. She had colorful taste, I thought as I walked around in her apartment. No family photos, weird. I would have expected her to be the girl who buys fancy frames for pictures and hangs it around her house. However, she is nothing as I expected. She proved that to me the first day I met her in the café as she stared at me, lost in her thoughts. Never had anyone looked at me that way. As if I was just another guy passing. No labels. No nothing. Just me.

I found myself in her kitchen as I looked at a coffee machine? I moaned in delight, as I imagined the taste of coffee that could heal my growing head ache. I need sleep- NO, Bella first I thought as the front door opened. I continued shaking the machine trying to open it. How does this work? I thought as I felt another presence behind me.

"I have heard that one usually serves the guest. Not the way around" I say without turning

"A guest is one who comes with invitation" her melodic voice reaches my ears. She proceeded to take the machine from my hands, moving effortlessly around her kitchen. I looked at her in awe, secretly thankful that she isn't paying me any mind. I probably look like a lovesick puppy in front of her. The warm thought of coming home to her sight, warmed my heart. I pictured her in my lonely and too large kitchen, where she would smile at me when I come back from a tiring day. Making me a cup of coffee as I stare at my girl-

The voice of a cup slamming in front of me, breaks me thoughts. "Here" she says and looks at me with a weird emotion on her face. Is she trying to look scary? If so, it isn't working. Fuck, please warm my cold house.

"You have been crying" I say as I look at her puffy eyes and red nose. Did the boy console you?

"Did you buy the pictures?" she asks back. I look around her apartment trying to not scream at her. Doesn't she know who I am? Why is she answering me back? The mention of pictures reminds me of the envelope and before I can control myself, I slam it on her counter staring at her. She hesitantly opens and I see her eyes widen at the sight.

"Didn't I tell you that you were mine, Bella?" I ask leaning forward.

"No, you did?" she says looking up. Anger is clear in my eyes as I clutch the chair on my side to not lose my patience. She lifts her chin as she stands up to my tall frame looking up. If she had just been another girl, I would have punished her myself. She doesn't know how special she is.

"Don't play with me, Bella. You are mine and I will NEVER receive pictures like these again. Understand?" I say though gritted teeth. I still have to handle that boy and my Bella is being too stubborn.

"You should stop doing that before your teeth fall of" she says as she sniffles. Enough.

"Answer me, dammit! I do not repeat myself. No guys other than me, ok?" I say slower this time.

"If you won't answer my question, then I won't answer yours" she says looking up at him, tapping her foot stubbornly. I clench my eyes shut as I rub my forehead. I am seriously starting to wonder if she has digested who I am. I can blow her head of right now, still her mouth is running like water. Oh, how I would love to shut her mouth up with mine.

"Yes" I say after a loud sigh. If any other guy from the gang would see my like this, all their fear for me will vanish in thin air.

"What?" she whispers, too close to me for her own best.

"Yes, to your question, Honey" I say emphasizing my last word. Her eyebrows shoot up as she registers my taunt.

I raise my eyebrows to hear her answer. She takes a step back looking at me confidently. I miss the warmth of her body immediately. What is happening to me?!

"No" she says, looking as unbothered as ever.

"What" I bark as I hold her waist pushing her close to my chest. She puts her hands on my chest to create space between us, but just her touch is enough affection for me.

"No, to your question, Black coffee man" she says proudly, looking right in my eyes.

Suddenly the door opens, and she looks at the door. I am still staring at the beauty in front of me. Her smooth tan skin begging for my touch. I hold myself from thinking any further as I hear the voice I was least wanting to hear;

"Hi" the same boy from the photos say looking at us. This kid must have a dead wish to walk in front of me like that. However, it is good for me. Now I don't have to hunt him down. I will kill him right here. Perfect.

In an instant Bella pushes away from me and walk towards the guys. GUYS. There is two. In her apartment.

"You forgot your phone, Bels" the other one says breaking the silence as he walks towards me. I stand tall in my Armani suit looking down at him. He stretches out his hand as he introduces himself; "Ali. Bellas friend" he says shaking my hand. I nod and answer him firmly; "Lorenzo". Lorenzo like the mafia? I advert my eyes to the boy behind him who still hasn't said anything. "James, her bestfriend" he says looking at Bella. Best. Fucking Best. She nods as she smiles up at him sweetly. Look away, I have the urge to tell her.

"You two dating?" I ask, not being to hold myself any further. All three of them shake their heads, saying different kinds of No's. I only focus on one important thing;

"James is my boyfriend" Ali utter. I like this guy, straight to the point. No bullshit like Romano? No, Russ. Yes, Russ.

"Good" I say looking at Bella. Good girl. I watch as James holds himself back from smiling.

My phone vibrates in my phone, as I dug in my pocket to pick up.. Diegos call?

"Lorenzo" I say through the phone, hoping Diego catches on to my formal voice. Don't say anything stupid.

"Scar told me about the business. The guy you had ordered to take care of, his name is found. Jame-" I end the call looking up. They seem to have a private and silent conversation by the way they are mimicking words. I cough to get their attention. Their heads snap up to me. I look at Bella walking closer to her.

"I will take my lead. Thank you for the coffee, love" I say as I lean down to kiss her cheek. I exit the door as I hear James squeal from behind before the door closes. 

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