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"Bella Khair" the professor called, watching Bella walk to him and greet him. They hugged and she took the degree in her hand, chuckling at something the professor said. Lorenzo stood on the first row and whistled when her name was called. He could hear James scream "SLAY BITCH", to which he rolled his eyes. The crowd clapped and Bella smiled and blew Lorenzo a kiss, which he pretended to catch in his fist and kissed it. He could see at the boys noticed Lorenzo on the first row and backed away slightly. The girls silenced as the sight of him and he was secretly bummed out. He just wanted this to be normal for her.

Bella walked over to him and pecked his lips. He lifted her up slightly, smiling when he heard her giggle. She was quick to notice the students eyeing her with disappointment. The thought of that made her angry. "He doesn't bite" she snapped at one of the boys "Hard". The boy widened his eyes in response. Lorenzo smirked at her, taking her hand and leading her out of the building. She dragged James with her other hand, seeing him quarrel with another boy.

"Let's go home" Bella screamed to them for them to hear her over the blasting music. "Your wish is my command" Lorenzo responded, dragging her to the car. Bella sang along with the songs; hearing James laugh along with Lorenzo who smirked at her choice of songs. He made a mental note about that;

I don't know if you could take it
Know you wanna see me nakey, nakey, naked
I wanna be your baby, baby, baby
Spinning and it's wet just like it came from Maytag

The car ride was over in a short amount of time and the three walked into the mansion. Bella furrowed her eyebrows when she saw the door open. Lorenzo smiled at her, stopping all her questions mid-way. James had already run in the mansion and Bella hesitantly walked in, feeling Lorenzos hand on her back. She leaned into his touch, loving the affection.

«SURPRISEEE» They heard everyone scream as they entered the living room. Bella was tackled in hugs, while Lorenzo glared at everyone who hugged her a little longer. Bella was beyond happy and looked at Lorenzo with pure love. She really had fell in love with the mafia man she had despised. She could only hope for him to catch her now. While Bella admired her boyfriend, he did too. She really had lit up his world in a matter of months. Their trace was broken when Scar held Bellas shoulder gently and turned her around. They hugged for a long time, Scar whispering in her ear; «Proud of you, child». Bellas eyes brimmed with tears, her heart feeling a little heavier. It was in moments like these that she missed her family more. Lorenzo looked at the exchange and decided not to interrupt. He knew that she missed her family and Scar was the closest father figure for her, along with Charles.

«Thank you Scar, it means everything» Bella whispered to him back. Scar pulled away slightly so he could see her face. he wiped away the tear that was on the verge of falling. «I am always her if you need someone to talk to or to spank your boyfriend. You are no less than Celina in my eyes» he told her, smiling lightly. It was the first time she had seen Scar smile so genuinely and she nodded, smiling back at him.

«You can let go of her now» Lorenzo spoke after a while. Bella chuckled as Scar smirked; «Do you want butter to your jelly?» before walking away to Celina who was squealing for her father. Bella snickered and leaned into Lorenzo, when she felt his chest collide with her back. His arms went around her waist as he bit her earlobe lightly. They both stared at Scar who was helping his daughter add more glitter to her face. She was holding Scars face with her tiny hands, kissing him when he tried to add the glitter.

«I want one» Lorenzo told her in a huskier voice. Bella turned towards him, raising an eyebrow. «What? A kiss? » she teased him, with no emotion evident on her face. She saw as Lorenzo looked away and shook his head, scratching his neck. «No, a baby» he muttered, looking straight into her eyes, showing the seriousness. He wasn't playing around and didn't want her to think that he was either. A blush adorned Bellas face as she thought about what he had said, but she was being reasonable. She shook her head, feeling Lorenzos grip tighten around her. «I don't want kids with right now» she told him, feeling utterly embarrassed that they were having this conversation. She could make out Sara in the corner who was giving her «thumps up» signs.

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