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Bella woke up by feeling something wet between her thighs. She shot her eyes open and leaned on her elbows to find a head of brown hair peppering kisses on her thighs. She laid down again, looking at the ceiling. Lorenzo had woken her up several times throughout the night to have his way with her and Bella was left wondering how he had so much stamina. She pulled away his head softly, but he only pushed her closer to him. He had waited a long time for this and was not planning on letting her go today.

"Lorenzooo" she dragged out his name, caressing his shoulder. He was too occupied and only hummed in between the kisses. The vibrating sent a shiver down her spine, to which she lightly bucked her hips forward into Lorenzos face. He chuckled at her, holding her panty by the waistline.

"You aren't going anywhere today, amore" he said before pulling her new panty away. Without any more words from his side, he used his tongue to separate her folds. Bella moaned again, urging Lorenzo to continue his act. It was only after another session that Lorenzo pulled away and smirked at her. "I couldn't be your first, so I had to make sure I am your best" he said, standing up and making a bath for her. he went back in the room to see a struggling Bella trying to stand up with her wobbly legs. he chuckled at her, to which she huffed jokingly. "I am sore" was the only thing she said pouting, before Lorenzo picked her up and set her in the bath. They both did their daily routines and split up to their destinations. Lorenzo dropped Bella of at James and went to the office.

While Lorenzo was busy torturing guys in the basements of his office, Bella was discussing her trip to Rome with James. "Ali won't be able to come with us because of work, but I asked his cousin Adam and he is up for it" James told Bella, while looking at himself in the mirror with a bright green shirt. He twirled for Bella, to which she shook her head quickly. "You look like a cucumber" she told him before checking her phone to see no messages from Lorenzo. When she looked up at James, he was already grinning at her. "You like him, you bitch" he said, grinning from ear to ear. Bella laughed as a blush covered her cheeks. "OMG YOU ARE BLUSHING!" he shrieked out to which Bella threw a pillow at him. "Stop!" she hissed at him, but he laughed loudly.

"But tell me, how was the sex?" James asked seriously, when he was done laughing like an idiot. Bella gasped and looked at him shocked. "how did you know?!" she asked him, watching him flip his non existing hair; "You don't normally walk like a turtle babe". Bella hid her face in his pillows, hearing James ramble on and on about how thick and long he expected his penis to be. Bella blocked out his speech and blurted out something she had been keeping to herself. "I like him. A lot" she said, looking back at James. He clapped his hands excitingly, jumping up and down before seeing a frown on his best friends face. "But I shouldn't. he is a killer James. All my life I hated the person who killed my parents and now I am fucking a killer. Literally." Bella told him, with sincerity. James smiled softly, sitting down beside her. "Look babe, I understand that this is tough, but listen to your heart. You told me that he had reasons to why he did what he did and that's good. He isn't an evil killer, going around and killing innocent people. No, his rivals are in this business too. It is their choice Bels. If Lorenzo makes you happy, go for him" he advised her, taking off his shirt. Bella nodded at him, smiling; "He makes me happy James".

"Enough of the sappy talk. Did you tell him about our trip?" James asked with furrowed brows. Bella smiled sheepishly, earning a light push from James. "I am a little worried Bels. What if something happens? Khalid did tell you to hide" he spoke with a low voice, as if someone could her them in this empty apartment. Bella shook her head at him. "If "they" find me James, I will have a better chance at meeting Khalid" she spoke holding his hands. James clutched her hands and smiled, knowing what she meant. "Oh, and Adam is a bodybuilder" he said, winking at Bella.


Lorenzo sat in Bellas living room, in his expensive suit. His hair was parted and slicked back to perfection. His tan skin was glowing, and his cologne was lingering in the whole house. His intimidating eyes looked at Bella who was sitting on the other side of the sofa, biting her lips and avoiding eye contact. The sight of the million-dollar mafia man in her colorful living room, was too much for her. Lorenzo stretched out his arm, pulling her to him. she was straddling him now, still not looking at him.

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