Mission impossible?

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I sat in my car, as my hands shivered. I patted my blazer when I felt the gun in my pocket. I was parked outside a creepy little house, which my men had seen Marco enter several time. It was at this exact time and day. I breathed in and out to calm myself down. It was now or never. I looked at the rear view mirror as my eyes spotted the familiar face. I waited for him to enter the house and I had my heart in my throat just by looking at him. he looked different now. His head was shaved and he had a full on beard. He really went down the macho Italian road with his look. That was for sure. I waited for him to disepear from my view and into the house and I stared at the clock. I had five minutes to do this.

I jumped out of my car and fixed the mask I was wearing as I hid under his car. I pulled out the pocket knife from my pocket and cut the cord that was meant to control the break. I really didn't have any other option at this point. I looked back at the door and scurried away fast. Running back to my car and hiding the knife. Just in time, I saw him walk out the house to the car. Now that I could see him closer, his face looked fucked up. He had cuts and bruises as if he had been beaten. The mere thought of someone hurting my family, made my anger boil. I shut my eyes tightly as I soothed myself with the thought of coming back and fucking killing all of them. I saw his car drive away and I followed. I drove fast so my car was right beside him. I rolled down my window and pulled out my gun, shooting at his glass window. Suddenly I felt back in my element as a feeling of adrenalin hit me. Marco flinched as his head whipped to me. His eyes went wide and he muttered something under his breath. He kept on looking at me, his eyes glistening. I pushed back the sentiment and shouted loudly; "YOUR BRAKES ARE CUT OFF. IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE, JUMP IN". the roof of my car opened as I had shouted the sentence I was dreading. "WHAT THE FUCK?! ARE YOU INSANE?" he shouted back. I could see the motorway end soon and I shouted back louder; "LOOK AHEAD BROTHER. THE MOTORWAY IS ENDING. TIME IS RUNNING OUT". Realization dawned upon him as I watched as he jumped to the passenger seat still holding the wheel in one hand. with the other he opened the door and looked at me with frustration. I drove my car closer to him and held out my hand. "3...2....1...JUMP!" I screamed out as he jumped holding the roof and having his feet dangling out. I held onto his legs and pushed him in and took a right on the first turn as I heard a thud in the backseat. I closed the window as I watched his car crash a tree, from the rear view mirror. Marco saw it too and turned around to me; "Lorenzo mother fucking Moretti" he gritted out before punching me straight on the jaw. I cussed out as I felt it sting badly. I touched when I felt liquid pour out, and saw blood on my hands. I glared at him as I continued the drive to the ware house. "The boys are waiting" I spoke out after a few minutes of silence. Marco nodded and looked outside. "I- Lorenzo, I cant stay man" he muttered, not looking into my eyes. I furrowed my brows as I felt a lump in my throat. "Lets meet everyone before we talk yeah?" I suggested, even if it was an order. "Lorenzo-" he started off before I cut him off "The gang is the only familia I have. Everything that is to be said, will be said in their presence. I trust them with my life". That seemed to shut him off, by the way he didn't speak for the rest of the ride. I drove the similar streets to the warehouse, and if I wasn't mistaken, I even saw Marco smile lightly. He looked like the big brother I had before.

I parked my car outside the warehouse and was shocked to see the boys standing outside. Their faces showed worry and some were even pacing around the place. They stopped when they saw my car and waited for me to come out. They knew better than to invade their boss's privacy. I looked at Marco, who seemed to be shocked at the reaction of the boys. "Still here, huh?" he asked and chuckled. I leaned back my head and nodded. "Still here" I whispered back. "Nothing changed, brother. Other than your relationship status" he spoke, confusing me more. I looked at him in question, to which he pointed at...Bella. She was standing amongst the tall and buff men, in nothing but a flowy dress. It was both sleeveless and to her knees. Too much skin on display, for my taste. Why was she wearing that in this cold? I nodded at Marco and stepped outside car, watching Marco do the same. Everyone looked shocked and no one reacted. They didn't know how to approach the situation. Just as I was about to speak out, Charles walked over to Marco and embraced him. Charles was the eldest in the gang and had been a friend of my father. Marco obviously recognized him and hugged him back. after that, he was met by the whole gang who greeted him with love. I walked over to Bella, occasionally nodding at the men who greeted their capo. I took off my blazer and looked over to Bella who was smiling. Her smile fell when she saw my glare. I draped the blazer over her shoulder as I scolded her lightly "What are you doing here?! Its too cold for you to wear this" I said as I gripped the light dress. She laughed as she flicked me away, stepping around me. "Sorry, do I know you? I have guests to meet" she said before poking her tongue out at me and running off to the crowd around Marco. I looked at some of the boys who were watching me intently. They smiled brightly at our interaction and I looked away. I heard Charles make a whipping sound as I walked away from them to Marco, but I pretended to not hear it. I am fucking whipped.

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