Stranger Danger

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"I dont even know what to say" i said looking up at James who was balancing my and his own books in his hands. I smiled big and fluttered by eyelashes at him before taking some of the books from the struggling boy.

"You dont know what to say?!? You have been talking for hours!!" he shrieked looking at me in displease. His voice going lighter in the end, to which he coughed and puffed out his chest to appear more manly. If this was any other day, i would be ready to tease him. However, today was not my day. Is God trying to give me signs? Does he want me to quit my job? OMG, what if he wants me to quit university?!!? That would make the two of us, if that really is the case.

"BELLAAAA" James screamed as he pushed me lightly. I could literally see the distress on his face. 

"Jamie, i really dont care. He was a normal boy from that area. I dont expect any Chuck Bass to walk in to the shitty cafe" I said playing of the fact that a creepy guy had walked in the cafe asking for a "black coffee". God was he handsome- BELLA FOCUS! He was not handsome** I had told James that he had walked out before i could even make him the drink. However, he left me a note with a number scribbled on top. I guess it was his? I didnt even bother to check it. It went straight to the bin. To which i was really proud of, after seeing him nearly fight another guy in the parking lot. I had left from the back, not wanting to walk past that man again. 

James was silent for a minute, thinking really hard. I sighed loudly to get his attention, but was let down when he shook his head without even looking down at me. "I dont even want to leave you in that shitty cafe, baby. If only i didnt have my exam in a week, i swear i would......hunt him down" he said in a serious voice as he finally looked down at me at the end of the sentence. 

I knew how important the exam was, so to make it easier i changed the conversation. Not long after that, we said our goodbyes as we parted our ways. 


The shift went by surprisingly fast. I had already cleaned everything, because of the lack of customers today. I looked outside the window to see rain pouring down. I hate this weather. I stuffed my books into my bag as i headed for the door. Mentally remembering to close the windows, i ran back once again to double check if it actually was locked. 

The cold hit my face and flushed my cheeks as i opened the door, closing it behind me. I turn towards the door, reaching in my back pocket and taking out my keys. My actions got slower as i noticed a shadow blocking the little light coming from the lightbulbs hanging on the sides of the door. My heart was beating so hard, that i was scared for it to fall off. is this how i was going to die? Should have asked James to stay-

"Do you always stare so long at things? And people?" I heard the familiar voice utter from behind me. Is the black coffee guy going to kill me?

I turned around only to get my breath hitched back in my throat. Fuck, was he beautiful. His hair was styled perfectly in a quiff, despite the bad weather. I could stare at him forever, but his dangerous aura made me step back and look at this situation again. If i was going to die, i would like to die FIERCE!

"As a matter of fact, i dont" I said loudly as i raised my chin higher. A small smirk lingered on his face, but i flicked him off as i finally locked the door and started to walk to the bus. I could hear his footsteps follow right behind me. How can such a good looking man be a creep?

"The weather is bad, isnt it?" he asked from behind me, making me walk faster without answering. Suddenly i was dragged back by my arm and slammed to a chest. I fisted my hand on his jacket from the sudden movement and looked up on him in shock. His eyes were so close and distant. I gulped and looked everywhere but on him. I could see a man from a distant looking at me with..sympathy.

"Look at me when i am talking to you, Bella" he said staring at me as if he was looking in my soul. He cupped my chin harshly as he lifted me slightly with his other arm that was wrapped around body. I was lifted till our eyes could meet and if i didnt die before, i would surely die now. I could see a cut on his brow, which will seriously get infection if he doesnt take care of it. SNAP OUT OF IT BELLA. "Let me drive you home" he said softly this time. However, it was still said with authority. as if i couldnt object with his statement. 

"I cant" I said, trying to wiggle out of his strong hold. I looked down at his tattooed hand that had gripped my waist tightly. I looked up at him when he squeezed me against him tighter. He had raised his eyebrow at me as an indication for me to explain myself. And i said the only thing that came to my mind as i was in the arms of a dangerous, maybe even a gangster; "Stranger danger?"

A growing smirk on his face verified my thoughts; Yup, i was officially going to die in that parking lot. 


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