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As the darkness surrounded the big lonely mansion, one of the two peacocks awoke from the slumber. He looked at the lady laying next to him, his heart aching at the thought of leaving her alone. By the way she clung to his waist, he already knew that she would be disappointed in him if he was to not be here when she woke up. However, he knew that it had to be done. He had been too engulfed in his lust and selfishness when he had kissed her. The foreign feeling of regret set on the pit of his stomach as he stood up and walked out the room. He put on a new expensive suit that he didn't give a fuck about and locked the door on his way out. The distance between the mansion and the monsters car got larger and larger, with each road his car passed. Despite the blasting music in his car, his mind was already reminiscing about Bellas soft snores.

Back in the mansion, Bella woke up a few hours later. She stretched her arms as she took in her surroundings. She was met with the same familiar neutral toned room, that she had been in before. However, she was alone this time. Realization dawned upon her as she realized that Lorenzo had left her alone in his house. The next few moments were spent with Bella roaming around the mansion to find Lorenzo or anyone who could explain a few things to her. On the other side, Lorenzo was sitting in his office doing paper work that was important for the business. One of the workers came occasionally to give him a new cup of tea and he was sure that he would never drink tea after that day again. He looked at his mobile and a disturbing thought of calling Bella entered his mind. He cussed at himself in Italian as he gave himself a pep talk on not to be too clingy. "Be a man" he whispered to himself as he picked up another stack of paper.

Bella sighed loudly as she plopped herself on the massive couch. The living room was HUGE. NO, the whole mansion was huge, she thought to herself as she stared at the ceiling. She was beyond bored and no one was in the mansion. Not one single soul. Bella looked around for a key, but found none. Was this his way of trapping her? she started to overthink before an idea popped into her head. She smiled to herself before calling the only number she knew would help her.

Diego who was sitting amongst his friend felt vibration in his pocket, as he stuck his hand in and fished out his phone. The number was saved under "Mrs. Moretti" and he immediately stood up from the boys while hiding the phone. Bella, on the other line, let out a breath of relief as she heard the familiar voice; "Wassup cutie?". She chuckled as she walked to the kitchen. "Diegoooo, my friend!" she answered cheerfully, to which he laughed. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked, looking back at the boys who were busy chatting away. "Well your dumb stupid friend left he at his home alone. Without keys!" she started telling him before she opened the fridge and was left stunned. "AND WITHOUT FOOD!" she screamed into the phone. Diego on the other line was shocked at the fact that Lorenzo had brought Bella to his own mansion. No one had seen the place, other than him and Sara. No one else. Especially not a fling. However, he decided against telling her that and instead told her that he would be on his way.

It was not long after the call that Diegos car came in Bellas sight. She didn't even wait for him to walk out before running to the car and knocking on the window. Diego rolled down the window and gave her a boyish smile. "So eager to see me, babe?" he joked to which she nodded. She liked his personality and was thankful that he actually came. He smiled at her and told her to lock the door with the spare keys he had. Not long after, they were both on their way to the super market to buy food for the mansion. They didn't have anything else to do, so they used their day on joking around and insulting Lorenzo occasionally while baking cookies and muffins. Diego had asked Bella to make the best tea she could, and she gladly did.

Lorenzo was sooo near pulling out his hair as he finally looked at the last paperwork. It consisted of a deal from another gang leader. Lorenzo chuckled darkly to himself at the audacity people had to send LORENZO JUAN MORETTI a fucking deal. What did he look like to them?! A girl scout leader?! he thought to himself as he threw the coffee cup on the ground. The noise definitely helped the lump in his heart that was so desperate to hear some noise. Just any noise that could set the silence in check. The scenario of him sitting alone in his office all day, from sunrise to sunset, took him back to the time he hadn't met Bella. He was shattered and exhausted. He still was, but he had a little light. Something to look forward to. He closed his eyes as he took the paper and curled it into a ball and threw it out the window. He stood up and rolled up his sleeves, unbuttoning the few buttons on top. He combed through his styled hair with his fingers. Slightly messing it up. And for a moment, he just stood by the window on the top floor of the insanely high building and looked at the number he had saved under the name of "Bella". Even though he hated to admit it to himself, he had started to take a liking in her. He didnt just see her as a product that he could buy and sell. She wasnt a one night stand at the strip club down town. She wasnt a fling that was waiting to go over. No, she was special and he knew that. It was the way her sassy mouth spit out fire everytime they quarreled. It was the way she suddenly turned soft when he opened up to her. It was the way she smiled at him as if he was pure. Oh no, he knew he wasnt. He was far from it. However, he could at least enjoy the feeling of it as long as it lasted. Because deep down, he knew. It would come a day where she would realise who he is. She would run from him and he would let her. Because his heart could accept that he would live in pain seeing her live without him. But it couldnt bear her living in pain with him. He sighed loudly as he put the phone in his pocket and walked out. On his way to the equally as lonely mansion.

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