Txt reaction to you trying to dance to crown

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He thinks it's adorable to see you get so serious while  trying to copy the moves on the tv

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He thinks it's adorable to see you get so serious while trying to copy the moves on the tv. He smiles  when you giggle for getting it right it or sigh when you stumble. He loved your cute pout when you noticed him laughing at you. "Don't worry princess you'll get it right in no time"


After coming through the door after practice he expected you to be flying into his arms as usual but was blessed by the  sight of you imitating the choreography of crown

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After coming through the door after practice he expected you to be flying into his arms as usual but was blessed by the sight of you imitating the choreography of crown. After letting out an excited squeal in awe and shock he drops his bags and joins you trying to show you how to do it. After about ten minutes you two just ended up free styling it. "That's it babygirl! work what your mama gave ya!!!"


Prepare to get dragged Because this boi will show no mercy when he shows you how it's done

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Prepare to get dragged Because this boi will show no mercy when he shows you how it's done. After chuckling and stretching he will steal the spotlight and own the floor leaving you in shock at how easy he made it look. "Sorry mama there's only room for one star here, now let me show you how it's REALLY done"


Lowkey confused because he didn't know what you were trying to do until you started yelling out the lyrics while TRYING to dance

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Lowkey confused because he didn't know what you were trying to do until you started yelling out the lyrics while TRYING to dance. Eventually he will step in and try to teach you the steps but he soon gave up and watched you try anyway. "Alright kitten 5,6,7,8 step and tur-I said step how the hell did you hop? You know what I think I'll just watch you have fun instead"


Cant understand what he just saw when you attempted to copy the foot work but ended up tripping and breaking a table leg when you tried to grab it for support He just stays put and stares in awe when you try to get up but hit a picture off the she...

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Cant understand what he just saw when you attempted to copy the foot work but ended up tripping and breaking a table leg when you tried to grab it for support He just stays put and stares in awe when you try to get up but hit a picture off the shelf cracking the glass. He wonder to himself how someone so perfect can be so destructive. "Baby how can you destroy so much in such a small time period, damm your worse than namjoon hyung. Let me help you up sweetheart, it must have hurt didn't it baby"

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