Taehyun: Practice makes perfect

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The sound of the clock ticking is almost infuriating, subtly taunting me with each noise it makes. The time is moving, but my hands aren't, not this time. There's no motion due to me being confused, very confused on this math question.

"This one," Taehyun says as he reaches over me and points at the error. "The long one?," I ask, even though it's clear that that's the one he's taking about it.

A small hum of approval rumbles from his chest as he passes me an eraser. With a sigh , I erase it for the fifth time. I erase it aggressively and would've ripped the  paper if he hadn't cupped my hand warmly with his.

He pulls me back and allows me to lay against his chest as a whine emits from my mouth, feeling very much overwhelmed at this point. I try to push off his chest but he slightly applies pressure to hold me in place.

I huff and allow him to hold me for a bit. It might do me some good anyways. A moment to take a step back and think could be beneficial.  After a couple moments he lets me go and I pick up the pencil again.

" Try it again, use the formula and start from the middle," he explains. I nod and attack the equation for the sixth time now.

" Ok , R= RN over  R-1... minus the.. um... wait but how can it-  Maybe is I just.... no that makes no sense.. i-."

I slam pencil downs and let out a frustrated groan. Taehyun brings his lips closer to my ear and  hushes me softly while moving a piece of hair out of my face.

"Don't rush it, take you time," he says in a hushed tone.  I move his hands away out of frustration and reach for the textbook with all the answers only for him to lean over and pushes the books farther away from me.

"Tae!," I hiss as I turn to look up at him. He shakes his head and pulls the math question closer. "You need to learn how to do it without help, how do you expect to pass the exam if you can't do this?," he asks. I avoid his eyes and trace shapes on the table with my finger.

"Maybe if you gave me the answer, I'd know how to do it..," I mutter under my breath.  He clucks his tongue in disapproval and rubs my shoulder. "Teach the kid to fish, don't give the fish to the kid. It's better for me to teach you then just give you the answers, (Y/N)".

I roll my eye and snatch up my pencil with a agitated huff. " Calm down and try again," he says soothingly. I scoff and continue erasing the work.  "Calm down and try again," I mock quietly. 

To my dismay, he heard me and didn't really seem to like the petty remark. "(Y/N)," he say warningly. I sigh and nod my head with absolutely no motivation at all.

" I don't even get it," I mutter.  He rubs my arms and presses a soft kiss to the back of my ear.

"If you don't understand it then I'll explain to to you again and again until you do understand, ok?," he aks In between kisses. I groan and narrow my eyes.

He laughs at my stubbornness and nuzzles my neck with his nose. "Ah, you're too cute, now come on, if we finish early we still have time to bag out."

"Why not chill first then do this later? ," I ask. "That way we can give this a rest and we could cuddle," I say, silently hoping that it'll coax him into letting this slide.

He stares at me and give me a knowing look before poking my side. "Nice try princess, let's go , back to the question. So to answer this equation yo-."

"Taeeeee," I whine as I burry my head in my arms. "(Y/N) please, let's just get this out the way," he sighs. I turn and wrap my arms around his neck. "Nooo, let's do this later," I moan.  He wraps his arm around me and leans his head on mine.

"No baby, it's best to finish it now. We can stay up late that way rather then spending the night trying to finish your work," he explains. I pull back enough to see his face and pout slightly. "I don't wanna..," I whimper. He smiles faintly and pecks my lip softly.

"Don't look at me like that. Come on, we need to focus.  To make it more entertaining, I'll grant any wish you have every time you get a question right," he says.  A thought pops up in my head and I fight a smile.

"Any wish?," I pry. He nods and puts the pencil back in my hand. "Mhm, any wish".

Him saying that changes everything. I have a plan.

"Ok, explain the question to me again please," I asks. He smiles at my cooperation and proceeds to walk my through it again. 

"Finally... ok, you see where it says  "R"? Yeah, that's just a variable for the ramification of the equation".

(Author note: I can barely do math my damn self. Please ignore it if what he's saying makes no sense. At this point I'm just using big words XD)

I nod my head and wait for the next instruction. "So, if you want to fine the value of 7.46 you need to divide the radius by the ramification of the mathematical procedure. Then you need to solve that last part yourself," he explains. 

What he didn't realize was that he accidentally gave me that answer while explaining . I'm planning to use that as an advantage so I can solve this stupid problem and get on with it.

He watches over me, minty breath fanning my cheek as he does. Out of the corner of my eye, I peek and admire him. His long red hair falls in his eyes and rests softly on his long lashes. His big eyes move with my pencil, making sure in on the right track.

Some days , I look at him and really think about how blessed I am to have someone like him. It truly is a blessing. He perfect.

He smart, rational, caring, handsome  and always pushes me to work harder. Much like what he's doing right now.

(Time skip cause a bitch got lazy☠️)

"Yes! I solved it!," I squeal as I throw my hands in the air.  Finally, after forty minutes of him re-explaining and me erasing my work, I finally got it right.

"See, I told you you could solve it. All you need to to is take your time and keep trying," he says. I smile as he presses a rewarding kiss to my forehead and turns to the next question.

"What wish for you want granted?" He asks while stretching.  I look ever my shoulders for smile mischievously.

"I want to continue this work later at 10pm," I say with gleaming eyes. He freezes and looks at me, probably wondering if I'm being serious.

I jump up out of his lap and pull him to his feet. "Come on! Let's go eat!," I say as I drag him to the kitchen.

He shakes his head with a chuckle and allow himself to be pulled.

"What am I gonna do with you?".

There seems to be an issue so let's take a vote.

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