TXT REACTION: to YOU being sick

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He gets really frustrated at you for not listening to him

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He gets really frustrated at you for not listening to him. Every time he tucked you in bed, you always cane out minutes later for with a  lame excuse for doing so.  After the fifth time you got out he decided to just say in the room with you thinking you just need some company.  " Fine (Y/N), I'm sitting right here.  Now lay down and sleep for fuck sake," he  sighs.  You stomp over to the bed with a huff and throw the covers over head.  After about five minutes you started feeling bored.  



"I'm thirsty"

"There's a water bottle right next to you".

You look to your left and feel stupid.



"Ok ! Ok ! Fine!"


He was really sweet about the whole thing and insisted on staying by you side even through your sick as a dog

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He was really sweet about the whole thing and insisted on staying by you side even through your sick as a dog. It was so bad to the point where you actually contemplated the changes of  you magically getting corona. He didn't care if your were hacking every two minutes.  A cold isn't going to stop his love and affection for you😤✊🏾.   He gave your medicine with a kiss to your head, he pecked your lips everytime he tucked you in and even slept with you when you would feel drowsy.  He smothered you and gave you all the attention in the world until you felt better.

"Beomgyu, seriously, stop I'm sick," you croak as you try to push his face away form yours.

"Oh please," he sighs as she pulls your hand down. "A little kiss isn't going to kill me".

Dispite your protests, he moves your arms away and presses a sweet warm kiss to your chapped, ashey, no good looking, stained with nasty medicine looking lips .

(A/N : Im so sorry for describing you like that🤣)

"Come one babygirl, make some room for me to lay with you".

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