TXT REACTION: To you sitting on their lap while they work

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He just let you sit down without any complaints

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He just let you sit down without any complaints. He moved back so your legs had room and allowed you to lean back on him. He didn't really mind the gesture and found you sitting on his lap rather comfortable.  He was always locked up in his room in front of a monitor alone so he really liked you keeping him company. Sadly you didn't get too much attention while he was working because he take his work very seriously. Like damn... However, one he finished he wrapped his arm and around you and rocked side to side until a fond giggle escapes your lips. Expect all the love  in the world after he finishes.  "Ah, thank so so much for staying with me. Do you want attention now babygirl?".

Bitch you obviously said yes.


He was a little confused when you started climbing into his lap but he didn't pay much mind to it

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He was a little confused when you started climbing into his lap but he didn't pay much mind to it. He allowed you sit and peaked over your shoulder as he continued his work. Just like Beomgyu, he didn't give you too much attention since he was really focused. At one point he even forgot you were there and only remembered when he felt you kiss his cheek. He Would only give you attention to satisfy you when you stared getting restless .  "Alright! Fine, we can cuddle for five minutes. Just sit still and stop moving!".


(Admit it, we all have a crush on Yeonjun) The second your legs straddled his, his hands stopped moving on the keyboard and he wrapped his around you

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(Admit it, we all have a crush on Yeonjun)
The second your legs straddled his, his hands stopped moving on the keyboard and he wrapped his around you. A a few minutes of cuddling he kept one hand on your hip to keep you steady and brought the other one back to the keyboard to work. He allowed you to lay your head on his shoulder and occasionally pressed little kisses to your shoulder and neck.  You two stayed like this until he got hungry. He stood up, still holding you , and walked to the kitchen to feed both his gut and his baby. "That should be enough work for today. Come on now, let's go get some food and we can watch a movie after".


Although he can be a dick at times, he never deprived you of your hugs and kisses

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Although he can be a dick at times, he never deprived you of your hugs and kisses. That wasn't the case this time. They were preparing for a comeback so he's been swamped and hasn't had to time to even give you one peck all week. Deciding to take matters into your own hands, you pulled one arm back and crawled into his lap. At first he teased you for being clingy ( although he lowkey loves it) but didn't move you. You didn't get the hugs and kisses that you wanted but he made small talk with you and you shared a couple laughs here and there. When you realized that he still didn't get the hint and that you still weren't getting what you wanted , you moved back purposely so you'd block him and kept doing that until he forced you to face him. Once he saw the glare and the small pout you had on your face he instantly knew what you wanted. You got the love and attention you desired. Of course not without teasing though. "Oh so that's what you came here for. Damn mama, you're like a clingy, spoiled little toddler. I guess it can't he helped, after all, my kisses are quite amazing."

(Cocky, adorable ,little brat😤✊🏾❤️)


Choi soybean got so giddy and flustered when you sat on him

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Choi soybean got so giddy and flustered when you sat on him. His hands quickly found your waist and he hoisted you up higher so it'd be more comfortable for him.  His cheeks turned red and he constantly covered his face to hide his smile. (Much like the gif above) He didn't mind you being there one bit and actually wished that you did  this more often since it can get lonely in the studio.  He didn't deprive you of you affection one bit and pressed small kisses to your check every so often. You stayed there for hours and the two of you eventually ended up falling asleep in that position.

Now peace out because "ANGEL  or DEVIL" needs an update☠️

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