TXT REACTION: To you farting

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You farting wasn't the problem

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You farting wasn't the problem. He wasn't confused because you farted, he was confused because he was trying to figure out what the hell you ate to make a smell like that.

It smelt like you ate raw meat and undercooked broccoli. It's almost as if you just got off the toilet after yet a sever case of diarrhea, yet still farted.

When he got a waft of that shit he literally had to sit down and try to process wtf it was that he was smelling.

He couldn't believe someone so pretty could produce something that smells so disgusting. At this point he was convinced that someone performed anal on you and brought the shit out.


You hum in response

"Is your ass trying to tell me something?".


You were humiliated, but he though it was the cutest thing ever

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You were humiliated, but he though it was the cutest thing ever.

You were both dying of laughter while watching a movie. You however, laughed a bit to hard causing the smell of a well balanced diet to fill the room.

He heard it and froze while staring at you. You tried to hid under the covers but he simply pulled them down and booped your nose.

"Ah, it's natural princess, there's nothing to be ashamed of."


You both ended up having a pretty good laugh about it

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You both ended up having a pretty good laugh about it.  While y'all were chilling, he  let out a fart with noise.

What he didn't know, was that at the same you let out a silent one. He started dying in your fumes and genuinely thought that it was coming from him.

He apologized to You and told you that it never smells that bad usually. That's when you broke it to him that it was you who dropped a nuclear bomb silently.

He found that extremely cute and hilarious at the same time. You two were already extremely comfortable with each other so it didn't phase him that it was you who farted.

Your little "misunderstanding" went by and you guys continued cuddling.


He also thought it was very cute

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He also thought it was very cute. You needed to fart desperately and tried to let it out silently.

Instead it ended up sounding like a constipated whale trying to take a shit in a public restroom. I'm other words, it was loud as fuuuck.

He looked at you and laughed while quoting a legendary line.

"Better out than in".

You fell in love with him all over again.


Yeonjun was genuinely concerned

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Yeonjun was genuinely concerned.

Once those fumes started to rise. He deadass thought that you had some type of infection in your large intestine that caused your farts to smell so bad to the point where it was painful.

He simply looked at your and rubbed you belly while being genuinely concerned. He asked you if you wanted to go see the doctors so they can prescribe you some medication.

You insisted that you were fine and that's when he came up with his own theory.

You secretly ate his ass last night while he was asleep and accidentally digested his booty crumbs.

His ass mixed with your shit created that horrifying smell and it will only disappear once you pass it. For the next two weeks he slept on his back and refused to turn his ass to you.

I'm so sorry for making this☠️🤣😭🖐🏾

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