TXT reaction to trying to you wearimg his their clothes

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You walked in on them in the middle of practice to deliver food that you made for them. You were in a rush so I'm your to the studio you threw on the first thing you saw that happens to be their over sized hoodie.


You walked in on them to bring in the food and instantly killed soobin the second he payed eyes on you Since it was over sized on him it was practically hanging off you on you making you look small and squishy

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You walked in on them to bring in the food and instantly killed soobin the second he payed eyes on you Since it was over sized on him it was practically hanging off you on you making you look small and squishy. "Omg PrInCeSS/PRInCe YOu LOoK So ADoRAblE!! I'm MeLtInGGgG!!!


Died from cuteness overload

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Died from cuteness overload. You waddled in shyly since all eyes were on you, when you took the food from behind you you hands came in to view. Since the hoodie was to big on you it gave you sweater paws. This caused yeonjun to instantly drop everything and squeeze the living daylights out of you fangirling. "ARUGGGGGGG OH MY GOOsshhhhh!!! YOU ADORABLE LITTLE SHITTT I LOVE YOUUUU!!!"


Kai didn't believe it was you

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Kai didn't believe it was you. You guys are that couple who love each other but roast the living daylights out of each other constantly. You usually have a hot, sassy, fiery attitudes so him seeing you walk in looking all cuts and soft threw him off guard causing him to attack you only to apologize after he found out it was you. I shit you not he deadass thought you were A alien trying to act cute. "EWWW what the f- WHERES MY WEPON?!?! TAKE THAT YOU CREEP! OH MAMA ITS ACTUALLY a YOU!!! MY BAD LOVE BUT DON'T DO THAT YOU LOOK GROOS!!"


Literally he was the only one with a normal reaction

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Literally he was the only one with a normal reaction. When walked him he ran up to hugs and kiss soon noticing his hoodie on you small form. Instead of dying or attacking you he simply held in the urge to pinch you cheek and scream and simply complimented you. " oh thank you babygirl/babyboy oh, is that mine? You look great honey! I'll let you wear my stuff more often." But on the inside he was like "CTTFDTCYBNOYftdtdrdttvubibjbyctxtdrdCTCTRXT YVUBINIBUCTDRRyvubibivtftcuibccyfxrcyvibiIBBUCYCTCTCYVUBIB!!!!"


Taehyun loved it

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Taehyun loved it. When you walked in his eyes lit up and he ran over to you pulling you on his lap to shower you with kisses. You ended up staying there with him to share lunch together.( I kind ran out of ideas here😬😬) "thank you baby I really appreciate this. Why dont you stay with us and eat , I was missing you anyways."

Since I now am aware they I have a male audience I will now be making y/n gender neutral so everyone can enjoy😉😉😉

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