Txt reaction to you stealing their food

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As much as Soobin loves his food,he loves you even more

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As much as Soobin loves his food,he loves you even more. In fact you didn't even steal it, he simply walked up to you and held his fork in front of your lips offering you a bite. He knew exactly what his princess/prince wanted before they asked. "Ah, in know that look" he said as he forked up done pasta for you. "Here , try some princess.


Taehyun wasn't impressed at ALL

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Taehyun wasn't impressed at ALL. He was in the middle of a conference with both the director when you suddenly walked put and snatched his cookie off his plate. At first he didn't care cause he thought you would give it back, but was wrong when you bit into the cookie. Taehyun said nothing but looked at you shrug the most unimpressed look ever. " are you fucking kidding me? I was gonna finish that your little shit."


Beomgyu  being the sweet bun he is didn't mind in the slightest

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Beomgyu being the sweet bun he is didn't mind in the slightest. As long as your happy and satisfied he doesn't need anything else in the world. When you walked by and took a piece of his food he he noticed but didn't call you out at all. Besides, to him food is just food so it want a big sea to him. "So then I went over and I wa- oh hi babygirl, it tastes good doesn't it. Here,have the rest of it I don't mind."


Hueninkai was the COMPLETE  opposite of Beomgyu

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Hueninkai was the COMPLETE opposite of Beomgyu. He stopped talking to you, in fact he didn't talk to you for the whole day. He felt disrespected on a whole other level. You simply grabbed his bag of chip and took a hand full before giving it back to him and that was enough to set him off. He glared at you as he chewed and proceeded to drag you. "Hey you, yeah you, with that big ass forehead you got there. You mad disrespectful for eating my child you pennywise, lord farquad looking beast." Bu in the end he still loves you.


Yeonjun didn't care

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Yeonjun didn't care.

Because it wasn't his food. You thought you were eating his leftovers but you were really eat the lunch box that fell on the floor. So when he saw you eating it he decided not to tell you since you looked so happy. "Whelp she's getting a disease, as long as it ain't my food we all good. I would tell her but she's enjoying THATS meal so much....

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