Txt reaction to being sick and you taking care of him

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Your little cinnamon bun cares about you more that anything, so when he found out he was sick he tried his best not to make any contact with you

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Your little cinnamon bun cares about you more that anything, so when he found out he was sick he tried his best not to make any contact with you. When you saw him walking around sniffling from his cold ,you ran up to give him a hug and cuddle him. However, that was the last thing he was about to do. When he saw you enter the room, he turned around and booked it out the door in fear of you catching his cold. You chased him and wouldn't give up until he started to yell out a bunch of nonsense that was making you look bad. "ARUGH HELP THIS BEAST IS TRYING TO KILL ME!!!". You ran after him still trying to give him your love but he wasn't having it. "BEOMGYU LET ME CUDDLE YOU!!". "BITCH, NO!!!"


Yeonjun went to hell and back to avoid what you were trying to do

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Yeonjun went to hell and back to avoid what you were trying to do. You heard that he was sick and you wanted to make him feel better in anyway possible. You tried to make him some porridge to warm him up but it didn't exactly look or smell edible. It kinda looked like a mom pre-chewed a bunch of sushi For a kid and spat it into a bowl. When presented it to him and tried to feed him he jumped away and tried to refuse but you were r having it. You then resulted to pinning him down to try to force feed him and that's how feeding yeonjun turned into a game if Tom and jerry. He was jumping over Chairs and and rolling on the floor to try to get away from you and you were practically doing parkour up in this bitch trying to catch him. "HAHA YOU CANT CATCH ME WITH THESE MOVES!! LOOK AT ME! BITCH IM MOGLI IN THE FUCKING AMAZON RUNNING FROM YOUR TIGER LOOKING ASS"


You woke up and wondered why your neck felt so warm and wet for

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You woke up and wondered why your neck felt so warm and wet for. You looked down and saw Taehyun face buried in your neck burning up and sweating. You woke up and helped him take a warm shower before heading down stairs to cook something for him. He was waiting in bed for about an hours when he started getting curious as to what was takin you so long. He wrapped up in his blanket and walked downstairs to try to peek at what were doing. He peeked around the corner and let me tell you, what you were doing couldn't even be called cooking. It looked like you were trying to poison him with what you were supposedly "cooking." He kinda just sat there and played out the scenarios of his death in your head. "This better be a cruel prank, am I actually expected to eat that shit?" He said in his head "oh I know you fucking lying".


Soobin had terrible symptoms, his eyes were watery, his nose was stuffed and he pretty much had all the symptoms for the flu

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Soobin had terrible symptoms, his eyes were watery, his nose was stuffed and he pretty much had all the symptoms for the flu. You tried really hard to be there and take care of him but you were honestly just making everything worse. You tried to get him hit tea but spilt it on his lap, you tried to make him sweet bread but used salt instead of sugar by accident and finally worst of all.......

You poured the milk first in his cereal. By the end of the day poor baby boy was in tears and there was nothing you could do about it.


Hueninkai rejected everything you tried to do

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Hueninkai rejected everything you tried to do. From an outside point of view he looked like like a dick but he really just didn't want your to stress over him. Since it's his fault he's sick he didn't want you to be exerting yourself for him. He really was just tryna take care of you even though he's sick. "Thank your for the tea mama but how about you drink Instead for me love" ( I know his is really short but it's currently. 2:34 am
and a bitch gotta walk the dog at 7)

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