TXT REACTION: To you having trouble sleeping

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Are the gifs not moving? Or is it just me?


His reaction depends on how tired he is

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His reaction depends on how tired he is. If he already fell asleep and woke up due to you moving , he'd simply just pull you into his arms so you w moving without saying a single word . You'd be tossing and huffing and he's just reach out and try to pull you to him wether you like it or not . Don't even try to get out of his hold and don't even TRY to say no to him pulling you. He doesn't care how much you don't wanna be held. He will drag you across the bed just to hold you so he can sleep. He'd do this hoping that you'd be comfortable enough to sleep and also so that you can shut the fuck up with how much noise you're making. If he's not really sleepy he's just try to soothes you by taking to you softly or something like that.


He'll try to help you for about thirty minutes before giving up

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He'll try to help you for about thirty minutes before giving up. It's really common for you to whine about how you can't sleep so he doesn't spend too much time helping that. He'll offer you water and make sure your comfy. Depending on his mood, he might tell you stories in hopes that it'll tire you out. But one the 30 minutes mark hits, he's out. You're on your own then. But if you genuinely can't sleep to the point where you're upset, he'll stay up with you as long as you need.



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YOU. ARE. SOYBEAN'S. BABIE! PEROIDT! If he already treats you like a toddler on the regular, imagine how he treats you when your complaining about how you can't sleep. Instead of forcing you to sleep, he sat up in bed and pulled you into his lap. He basically just held you and rocked side to side with you curled up on his lap LIKE THE KERPER HE IS! He would keep his mouth close to your ear and ask your little questions here and there . Not questions that required you to think, just sweet things like,

"Are you ok princess?".

"What can I do to make you feel better?".

"Do you wanna take a bath together?",

"Not tired yet, hm?".

He'd fiddle with your hair and keep you close to his chest to you can listen to his heartbeats. His mom's heartbeats uses to make him feel relaxed when he was younger so he would trying the same tactic with you.


I feel like he would help you, but would lowkey be annoyed

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I feel like he would help you, but would lowkey be annoyed. To him, if you can't sleep then you should find an alternative to change that. He'd much rather prefer if you simply read a book or tired to stay still instead of whining and bothering him. You may be wide awake, but Taehyun was more then ready to sleep, especially since he'd have work the next day . You refusing to try to lay down would bother him but he'd still assists you. I see him grabbing your a glass of (disgusting) milk and singing to you a bit. He may massage your scalp so you can relax but he wouldn't do anything to excessive. After a while , he'd give you some sleeping methods and tell you to figure it out before most likely going to sleep.


Much like Beomgyu, he wouldn't get out of bed but he'd try to make you comfortable so you can sleep

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Much like Beomgyu, he wouldn't get out of bed but he'd try to make you comfortable so you can sleep. He'd pull your leg over his hips and pull you close before covering your bodies with the blanket so you'd be warm and cosy. He'd rub your back and thigh in a rhythmic way so you'd relax. One you're settled and comfy, he'd leave the rest to you and sleep. In his head there should be no issues with you sleeping at this point. You're warm, held, and comfortable too. All that's left is for your body to stop being stubborn and give In. However, if it's serious, he'd make you some tea and make himself coffee so he can stay up with you and try to find out what's keeping you from sleeping.

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