TXT reaction to you telling him your on your peroid

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You ran out of pads so you needed him to go buy some for you

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You ran out of pads so you needed him to go buy some for you. When you went to him you were trying to sound all cute and smart by using big words to tell him about your needs but it didn't go to smoothly. He was hella confused and didn't know what you wanted until you said he word pad. "Oh, hey bae I started my cycle of menstruation during my time of tranquility and I need some pads so I can replenish the neat feeling of feeling secure by the women diaper " as you said that he was nodding his head with this big awkward smile on his face thinking, "why didn't this bitch just say that her couchie was bleeding? Did it really need to sound like a William shake spare play??



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A dumd BITCHHH. You told him that you needed pads because your on your period and you really thought he knew EXACTLY what you meant. When You told him he was extremely confident and left to go but you what he THOUGHT you asked for. "Ok mama said she needed some note pads for her period, maybe she'll need an eraser to... mabey I'll get her the pads with a lot of paper if she's gonna be writing that many periods. I better get her a pencil sharpener to. But who writes that many period just for fun??" He arrived home with your "pads" and expected you to thank and reward him for doing a good job but booyyyyy what he wrong. You were so pissed that you threw the note pad at his face, stuffed your underwear with toilet paper and lest to get your own pads.


You wrote down a list of things for soobin to buy for you to make his job easier but he was still as equally confused as ever

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You wrote down a list of things for soobin to buy for you to make his job easier but he was still as equally confused as ever. When he walked in the store he ran into hueninkai and saw him mumbling to himself about pencils. At first he was confused but brushed it off later he finally made it to the pad section where he faced another problem. You said pads but didn't say what kind you need. They didn't say sizes and just showed colour causing him to chose the wrong one. "They call these pads?? It's the fucking skittles candy on a shelf. Ummm lest see... I'll get her the blue ones. (aka THE SMALLEST THINEST SIZE EVERRRR!! Unless you bleed a drop of blood DO NOT GET THEM)
When he got home he gave you bag. You were happy that he brought pads but you were also a bit disappointed by the fact that he practically bought you paper.


Beomgyu came in back from the studio and was ready to tackle you in a huge bear hug

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Beomgyu came in back from the studio and was ready to tackle you in a huge bear hug. When he got through the door he raced upstairs and was about to Jump on you until he saw your pained expression. He panicked and came by your side asking you what's wrong the second the word period left your mouth he was GONE. He ran out the house and to the nearest convenient store and just bought a bunch of snacks and junk food. He walked upstair, emptied three full bags of food on the bed, changed his clothes and cuddled with you eating junk.( I wish my boyfriend did this😭😭😭) " aww I'm sorry babygirl, we can't go through having periods together but we can both get obese together."


Yeonjun was in one of his moods ( 😏😏😏) and tried to see what you were down for

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Yeonjun was in one of his moods ( 😏😏😏) and tried to see what you were down for. He was kissing you and tried to go further but pushed him off you saying you were on your period. Judge by his silence you assumed he didn't know what he was and ended up having a 40 minute conversation about what it was. It turns out that he already knew what it was was and was silent because when you pushed him he flew off the bed and landed on his ass pretty hard, during his silence he was actually playing out your death on his head so that was a waste of time that he could of used to be taking a shit. "You could've just said no".

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