Txt reaction to teaching your korean

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It took two hours , but you finally managed to say a paragraph properly

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It took two hours , but you finally managed to say a paragraph properly. When you finally said it right he was ecstatic. He was fifteen minutes away from calling it quits when you somehow managed to say it. He cheered and  celebrated by taking your out to get icecream. "yes!! Finally kitten you said it!  I was ready to pull out a slipper and threaten you to say it!Awww I'm so proud of you! Come on kitten, we're getting ice cream,".


At first he was serious about teaching you but soon it became a game

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At first he was serious about teaching you but soon it became a game. He would say the word slowly,one syllable at a time and see if you could repeat it. At one point he wasn't even speaking Korean anymore, he was say hard  random things just to see you make faces as you tried to say it.
" no princess,  listen , jo hol bag su, just one syllable at a time. I promise it means something. Come one come on say it. Don't worry I'll say it again".

Heuing kai

Kai thought the whole thing was a joke

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Kai thought the whole thing was a joke. Yes, he was teaching you, but  he was teaching you  the most ridiculous sentences possible. For example ,he made you say you're gay for trump and told you that you were saying how was your day. The only way you found out later was when Soobin overhead and told you.  " ok ok  mama here's one you need to know!," he says excitedly.  You sit up and focus so you can nail it.  " ok repeat after me, 아빠 슈렉 작가 섹시
" he says slowly before dying of laughter.
"What dose it mean," you ask suspiciously.  He wipes his tears and sits up. "It means get back home safely".  ( I need you all to translate that 🤣) is


Taehyun took the whole thing so lightly that it turned into a comedy real quick

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Taehyun took the whole thing so lightly that it turned into a comedy real quick. He would say something once very fast and see if you could say it. If you got it right he'd applaud, if you screwed he would laugh in your face and say something else for you to mess up on again. It wasn't that he like to see you fail, he just thought it was hilarious to hear something completely different come out your mouth from what he said.
" Baby I said how was  your day today!!Tell me how the fuck you managed to say ducks are dinosaurs!!AHAHAHAHAHGAHSAH!!


Despite how kind, sweet and perfect Beomgyu looks he's actually impatient as fuck

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Despite how kind, sweet and perfect Beomgyu looks he's actually impatient as fuck. It took him exactly three minutes to give up on you after you struggled to say yeoboseyo. He couldn't understand why it was so hard for you to say those simple words. " no! No! No! Listen closely babygirl, yeo bo se yo, now say it. Noooo, baby it's so simple how the fu- I give up ,nevermind.

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