Txt reaction to meeting your ex

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You guys were at a cafe and you went up to grab your orders only to be surprised by your ex who wanted your back.


Soobin died of laughter when he saw your reaction

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Soobin died of laughter when he saw your reaction. Your ex sat there saying some bullshit speech about how he can't live without you. Soobin. Thought it was really far fetched and dramatic, turns out you thought the exact same thing he was thinking. He looked over at you and say your "bitch what" face mixed with with disgust as your walked away. He died of laughter when he saw the scene unfold. He wrapped a arm over your shoulder and exited the store. "princess we have to meet your ex more often, your reaction was priceless".


Awkward af

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Awkward af. You two were out on a date when your ex came running up to you and started pouring out his heart. Taehyun just sat there as you signaled him with your eyes to save you. You both just kept looking back and forth at each other with a huge awkward smile on your face until your ex got the hint that you weren'tinterested. "Baby why the fuck didn't you say anything that was so weird".


Yeonjun wasn't having it at all

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Yeonjun wasn't having it at all. You two were at the movies and he left to get popcorn but when he came back he saw your ex flirting with you and you looking extremely uncomfortable. He walked up to you both acting like he didn't see your ex before introducing himself without anyone asking. "Oh there your are kitten-oh I didn't see you there. I'm her boyfriend yeonjun, May I ask who you are. Your ex looked like he got the message and shook yeonjun's hand avoiding eye contact while introducing himself. Little did you know that when they shook ands yeonjun broke about three of your exe's fingers from purposely squeeze of the life out of his hand.


You both were on a walk when your ex came running towards you drunk af and started blubbering about how he misses you

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You both were on a walk when your ex came running towards you drunk af and started blubbering about how he misses you. He started to get angry as he spoke and roughy grabbed your arms. Beomgyu got pisses a d got between the both of blocking him from getting near you. He told him off and grabbed your arm bring you somewhere else.( I had a brain fart and didn't know what to make him say so use your imagination.)


Kai didn't know what the fudge nugget pie your ex was thing when he approached you

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Kai didn't know what the fudge nugget pie your ex was thing when he approached you. He's already met you ex before and give him a warning about taking to you so he wasn't here to mess around. He excused you and left to deal with your ex. " mama will you go wait in the car please, thanks I'll catch up with you later. So, I'm pretty sure I told you I'd beat your ass next time you approached her ,correct. I'll give your a 10 second head start so start running.

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