The type of girl they'd be with

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I see him being with someone who can match his confidence

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I see him being with someone who can match his confidence. A women who knows what she wants and works hard to get it.

Someone who's a little sassy and really competitive. I feel like he'd often compete with her and they'd always want to see who can do what the best (in a cute and fun way).

She'd be really secure and really funny. They'd be that couple who acts like they're best friends.

She'd be the type who can make him laugh at anything and she'd be the type who could always make a bad day seen better.

She'd have similar interests with him and she'd be someone who's reliable. That's who I see him with.


I feel like he would be with someone who's really energetic and outgoing

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I feel like he would be with someone who's really energetic and outgoing. She'd probably talk a lot but she'd be really sweet over all.

When he first meets her he's going to think she's annoying and clingy, but he will soon find her easy to be around and he'll find her clinginess adorable.

Taehyun has already told us that he enjoys the quiet and he likes his peace, but I feel like she'll be his only exception.

Sounds romantic doesn't it?🤧😭

I feel like she'll be the type would cling to him randomly. Like he could be walking minding his own business and she'd run up from behind and wrap her arms around his arm.

I don't think he's mind though. He's very mature and reserved so I feel like someone who is not as mature, and just a ball of energy overall, will suit him.


I don't care what anyone days and I will fight you over this

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I don't care what anyone days and I will fight you over this. I see him being with somebody who is so incredibly shy that it's ridiculous.

I don't know what it is, I just see him being with someone who is a little on the shorter side,  very quiet and to her self.

Whether you want to admit it or not, we know that this man is a loud, annoying and energetic mofo☠️.

He even said in an interview that he couldn't take a miniature him. So if he was with someone who is just as loud and just as energetic as him, the couple with the exhaust 24/7

I feel like she'll be the one who can get him to calm down at times and he'll be the one to help her get out there more.

I feel like everybody around them will be so confused about how they even got together. While a lot of people find his behaviour annoying and immature, she thinks it's charming and make him fun to be around.

A common question would be " how does someone so loud get someone so quiet?".

It's the perfect pair, someone who is extremely loud and someone who is extremely quiet.

I feel like she'll be very kind but just wouldn't know how to put her thoughts into words. I don't know why but I feel like she'll be really good at cooking too.

If they are eating together and he gets crumbs on his lips she won't hesitate to reach over and brush it off for him while telling him to be careful.



Although he's very shy and quiet, I feel like he will be with someone who is a lot more bold and expressive

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Although he's very shy and quiet, I feel like he will be with someone who is a lot more bold and expressive.

She's the type of person who is always says what's on her mind, the type of person who would make decision to not care about what anyone else thinks, stuff like that.

For some reason I feel like the two of them would be the type a couple who is always in laughing fit for no explanation.

She could tell a joke and he'll be on the floor dying, and then she'll laugh because he's dying, then he'll laugh even harder because she's laughing.

A literal mess but a beautiful mess.


I feel like he would be with someone who is similar to him

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I feel like he would be with someone who is similar to him. He thinks that he's rather immature so I don't think that he would want someone who's older than him.

He wouldn't want to feel like that's his babysitter instead of his girlfriend.

I think she will be the same age as him and pretty much be like him in every single way except she'll be a little calmer.

She would have all sorts of wacky and fun adventures with her, they'll be on the floor crying over the stupidest things, and just have a blast overall.

Feel free to share what type of person you think they'll be with, I'll respect every single one of them except for Beomgyu's ☠️🤣😭.

This man will be with a  shy  girl and y'all can't say anything that can change my mind.☠️

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