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Aftercare with Soobin is soft, and I mean EXTREMELY soft

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Aftercare with Soobin is soft, and I mean EXTREMELY soft.  Because of how big his frame is, he's extra careful and tries his best no not cause you any further pain. Your body is sore enough on its own so he doesn't want to add to that. He just brings you into his arm and cuddles you while showering you in the warmest, softest, kisses imaginable. He praises you for taking him well and pampers you like the little princess you are. He always asks if he can get you anything, offers you massages, all that cute stuff. Cuddles don't last for too long tho. Once you start coming down from you high you start to notice just how gross you are at the moment. The moment he realized that the two of you were a sweaty mess, he settled for a nice shower instead. Let's just say, the smell and the feeling of two sweaty bodies pressed together isn't exactly the best feeling.


Aftercare with Yeonjun is sweet but EXTREMELY forceful at times

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Aftercare with Yeonjun is sweet but EXTREMELY forceful at times. When you're done your body is exhausted and you just want to roll over and sleep. Yeonjun on the other hand, almost never allows that. The second you roll over, he's rolling you back and practically dragging you out of the sheets. He wants to love you, hold you, clean you up, make sure you're not hurts and all that jazz while you simply just want to go to sleep.  It always consist of him trying to carry you to the bathroom and you pushing him away while gripping onto the bed post for dear LIFE. You always put up a fight and whine at first but eventually give in when you see that he's not taking no for an answer. It usually ends up with the two of you chilling in the bath together with small laughter here and there. And probably a round in the tub but who and I to judge👀💅🏾


Although it's sweet it's really short with Beomgyu

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Although it's sweet it's really short with Beomgyu. He just as worn out and exhausted as you are. Once the both of you finish, his arms give out and he just drops his weight on top of you before rolling on his side to pull you close. He has very limited time before he knocks out so he just rubs and newly formed bruises and peppers your face and shoulder with kisses until the both of you back out. He'd definitely make up for it in the morning. He'd  have you wake up to breakfast in bed and make sure that you're alright. Rubs, cuddles, attention in general, you name it and it's yours.

Speaking ok the legal line

Speaking ok the legal line

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