TXT REACTION: To having a crush on you

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I need to stop spoiling y'all with content ☠️


He was completely in denial

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He was completely in denial. Everybody already knew that you liked him and he's made it clear to the world that he doesn't feel the same way.

Whenever you would approach him with a smile he would keep his composure and act uninterested.

When he finally realized that he liked you, he refused to believe it. He often described you as loud and immature.

If he was walking down the hallway by himself you'd run up from behind and jump on his back.

If he's sitting down on his phone and you get hungry go grab his hand and practically drag him to the convenience store with you.

if you ever have to go get something you constantly wanted him to go with you.

He thought you were too annoying and too clingy to be around, yet he's crushing on you.

He refused to accept reality.

Ever since he confirmed that he liked you, he wasn't the same. If you waved at him in the hallway he would just stare (like the gif above) at you, probably wondering to himself why he's even attracted to you.

He would start to give in to your begging more, and he caught himself paying close attention to things you would say.

Before he started liking you, every time you clinged to him and ask him to come by snacks with you, he'd pull away and tell you stop bothering him.

Now when you ask him , sometimes he won't even speak and just allows himself to be dragged by you.

He once asked you, "Do you like me that much?" jokingly only for you to give him a bright smile and nod.

He started to feel bad for how he treated you.

You're are such a sweet person. You're always happy to help others and will even go ridiculous length for people who wouldn't even take a step for you.

You're always putting others before yourself and do anything to make your loved ones happy.

No matter how many times he cursed at you, pushed you away, and was rude, you are always still so sweet to him.

You're greeted him with a smile every time you saw him.

Once that really hit him, started taking an interest into things you like and things you dislike.

All the little details about you he started to notice.

he wanted to know what made you happy, and he wanted to know what made you sad.

She was curious about your hobbies I wanted to know as much about you as he could.

Even the members started to notice that his attitude towards you changed drastically.

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