TXT reaction to meeting your family

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When the two of you neared the front door he was extremely nervous about meeting them

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When the two of you neared the front door he was extremely nervous about meeting them. Your parents and a little bit judge and can come across as a little racist at times. Surprisingly  , upon first meeting, your parents were instantly in love with him. He charmed them beyond compare with his adorable personality and talent.  Out of everyone, your mom seemed to love him the most.  She describes you two as " beauty and  the beast" . Except he's the beauty, and your the beast.  On the drive home he shared his thoughts with you. "You know mama,  you parents aren't as bad as I thought. At first your dad was a sour puss with a stick up it's ass, but he's chill. Looks like I have their approval".


Soobin nearly died

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Soobin nearly died. Your dad is abnormally tall and looks extremely intimidating. Soobin being the scaredy cat that he is, was pissing his pants the whole time. Is you got a dime every time you saw him flinch you would be a billionaire. When the day was finally over and you were both heading out the front door he looked like the happiest man alive , but had some painfully true words. "Don't misunderstand because I look happy right now, there is so much shit in my pants that's my ass looks bigger than Cardi b and Nicki Minaj's combined. The next time I wanna see your dad is only at our wedding if we get married,".


Yeonjun was enraged

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Yeonjun was enraged. For some reason your older brother just never seemed to like Yeonjun. He thought he was and egotistical brat and a bad influence on you. You guys went out to a fair together and the whole time he kept making petty comments and rude remarks under his breath.  The whole time he was nothing but disrespectful. One thing about yeonjun , is that he hates begging disrespected. When he feels disrespected, sassy bitch Yeonjun comes out. It's name is Yeonjunesha. When you left to go pee Yeonjun made sure to give your brother a stern warning . "You see this Lollypop stick in my hands? Yeah? Keep disrespecting me and see if I don't shove it up your ass and leave you with a mark on your face from the back of my hand".


Everyone in your family absolutely loved Taehyun

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Everyone in your family absolutely loved Taehyun. It was so quick and shocking that even he couldn't believe it. Your mother though he was perfect, your dad thought he was worthy and your little siblings thought he was the most flawless being alive.  He was shocked by his own charm and questioned everything he knew in life regarding himself. "Wow, am I really this great? Is this the power of Kang Taehyun?  They treat me like I'm actually part of their family, damn , I  must be great,".


At first, your family wasn't to fond of beomgyu

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At first, your family wasn't to fond of beomgyu. While the others took time to warm up to him, your grandma loved him the second she layer eyes on him. She treated him as if that was her long lost grandson. Sometime they would even forget that you are there and have their own conversations.  This time when you brought him over to family gathering you couldn't find him anywhere. When the gathering was ending and people were leaving, you found him in the back with your grandma. They sat in the back laughing and grilling food with eachother the whole night .later  he told you why he was there. "You know babygirl,  I think I like your grandma the most out of everyone in your family besides you. When your family was quick to judge, only she gave me a chance. She's so sweet to me too. She fed me beef and told me all of her life stories. It was like bonding with my real grandma. If we get married, she the first person who's gonna know and get invited".

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