Txt reaction to you kissing them and running away

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Yeonjun loved it and strangely got a huge boost of confidence from this small cute gesture

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Yeonjun loved it and strangely got a huge boost of confidence from this small cute gesture. When your kissed him he was in shock for a but soon his inner bad bitch came out and transformed him into a sassy extra queen. In reality it was just a kids but in his eyes it was the equivalent to winning the super bowl. " yes you got money but do you have a (y/n)??                 I THINK THE FUCK NOT!! So who's really winning here hmm?"

Huening kai

Kai and you are they type of couple that are lowkey MASSIVE ASSHOLES to each other, but in a joking way

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Kai and you are they type of couple that are lowkey MASSIVE ASSHOLES to each other, but in a joking way. This cute , sweet gesture was so unlike you that the thought you did something to him at first. Basically he mistook you lil gloss for something gross and freaked out, basically he attacked you. " WHAT THE FU- (Y/N)!!!!! MAMA WHAT WAS THAT!! YOU KNOW WHAT? TAKE THAT!!!"


Taehyun likes but but tied to play it off cool

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Taehyun likes but but tied to play it off cool. You ran up and kissed him while he was in camera, he didn't want to squeal and melt of camera so he tried to fight back the smile that was clearly spreading on his face. " Jheh, wrong with here. What, no I'm not blushing you are!"


 Beomgyu was in awe at you stranger mixture of being bold yet shy at the same time

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Beomgyu was in awe at you stranger mixture of being bold yet shy at the same time. If you thought he was gonna let it go your are deeply mistaken. He teased the living daylights out of you,in fact he even leaned in asking for another one. "Oh common babygirl, don't be shy. In fact, can I have another one?"


You definitely took soobin by surprise

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You definitely took soobin by surprise. You and soobin have just started dating two weeks so affection wasn't something that you two displayed to offer. Sure you guys would cuddle and hold hands, but kissing wasn't a very frequent gesture. When you ran up and kissed him he froze and couldn't function, lucky kai was there to hold him up to prevent him from falling. " kai... she... she..."

"Shhhhh, I know buddy...I know."

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