Txt when they want your attention

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You were both shopping for
ingredients to make dinner when you you suddenly bumped into someone else's shopping cart. Turns out that it was one of your close male friend from elementary school. You were so shocked and happy to see him that you instantly started chatting and invited him over for dinner that night.


This cute little bunny became the king of ageyo and would literally do anything for your attention

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This cute little bunny became the king of ageyo and would literally do anything for your attention. He was so used to being you source of happyness ( other than food) that seeing you be so happy and bubbly with another man kinda put him off. While you were cooking he would pop up in-front of you and go to any extent just to get you to notice him. "Princess look at me, aren't I just the cutest little prince you've ever seen".


Kai turned into a CRACK HEAD

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Kai turned into a CRACK HEAD. He tried everything to get you attention, he tried to act cute, sexy, sad, angry etc. But you were to busy catching up with your friend to notice what he was doing. At one point your friend went to the bathroom and he took this chance to try to get you to at least look at you. He started to scream your name but you got annoyed and chose to ignore him but that didn't stop him from yelling. " MA!! MAMA! MAMI!! , BEBE LOOK AT MEEEE!!"


 Taehyun was pretty chill with you giving your attention to this boy you met because he's ok with sharing you knowing that you love home the most

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Taehyun was pretty chill with you giving your attention to this boy you met because he's ok with sharing you knowing that you love home the most. It was when your friend started flirting and getting touchy with you when he put his foot down. You got up to go upstairs to find something and he took this opportunity to put a bitch in his damn place. " idk who the fuck YoU tryna impress with those movie stolen lives of yours.. I know you know DAMN well what the fuck your doing and I know you know damn well that (Y/N) is mine. It's one thing to look, but touching is a completely different matter. Like who you tryna flirt with in your crusty dusty holed up sketcher you got on your feet son. And I know you ain't tryna flex one me like you fresh and all . That ain't K jewellers bitch!! That's some fakeass designer watch you found on the shelf for 15 $ at Walmart fool. Check your self before I check you". Suddenly you came back downstairs and he acted like nothing even happened. "Oh hey baby did you find what you were looking for?".


This little baby will become a ball of mush and will act like a toddler that just wants his mother's attention

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This little baby will become a ball of mush and will act like a toddler that just wants his mother's attention. You went into the kitchen to grab your guest a glass of water, little did you know a pouty baby silently waddled him self in the kitchen and back hugged you resting his head on your shoulder. "Why are you ignoring me?,he would say soft and hurt. You looked at the time and your widened by what you saw. It was current 10:42 pm and he arrived here at 3:00 pm You've spent over seven hours ignoring your baby for some guy you met in the store. You cup his cheeks and give him a big fat kiss and promise him your full attention after you get your guest out of your house.


Beomgyu wasn't annoyed because he was jealous, he was annoyed because he just wanted a little affection

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Beomgyu wasn't annoyed because he was jealous, he was annoyed because he just wanted a little affection. You haven't given him one kiss this entire day and he's been craving an energy boost. Your friend  was telling you a story and ran to go get his phone that he left on the table and that was Beomgyu que to take action. " when is he gonna leave so I can get my daily dose of love?" You smiled and leaned in for a kiss Which he happily accepted. You promised him that you'll go watch a movie together after and enjoyed the rest of the story with your friend.


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