TXT REACTION: To your first kiss

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Believe it or not, our why bunny kissed you first

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Believe it or not, our why bunny kissed you first. Everyone knew how much he liked you, it was no secret.

You were obsessed with him and he was obsessed with you. Dispite liking you so much, he couldn't bring himself to make the first move.

It took him weeks of mentally preparing himself and Yeonjun hyping him up before he finally found the courage to do it.

It was very sweet and soft. He called your name while you were walking with him and leaned in for a peck the second you turned your head.

He was shocked when he saw the smile that's spread across your face followed by you getting hot.

He obsessed with how adorable you look when me makes you feel flustered.


He was so relieved and happy when he saw your reaction

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He was so relieved and happy when he saw your reaction. He's naturally a pretty confident guy ,so he didn't struggle with kissing you.

He only struggled with deciding when and  where he would kiss you.

Unlike soobin, he went for the cheeks instead of the lips. You were chatting with a member and he walked up from behind and pressed a kiss to you cheek before continuing to walk.

Once he was far enough he peeked over his shoulder to see your reaction.

You were holding your cheek smiling ear to ear will your member was squealing and shaking you.

he was so relieved and excited that he almost turned back around to run and hug you.


He was shocked but not disappointed at all

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He was shocked but not disappointed at all. The two of you have been crushing HARD on each other for 8 months now.

Instead of being friends who are constantly flirting, y'all decided to take things to the next level.

The two of you have wanted to kiss each other for weeks now and decided the perfect time to do it.

The funny thing is that the two of you were completely unaware of the fact that you were having the exact same thoughts and plan.

Standing on a bridge at at a fireworks show, the  both  if you turned your heard to kiss the others cheek at the same time and ended up kissing on the lips.

You both jumped and held you lips in shock that you both felt the same way.

It was a shocking experience indeed, but not a disappointing one at all.


He teased you for weeks after you kissed him

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He teased you for weeks after you kissed him. Although he loved the experience, he couldn't get over how you looked when you puckered up.

This was the first kiss for both of you meaning, he didn't know how to kiss and you know how to kiss either. 

you looked kind of strange when you puckered up and that make him a joke for the two of you for a long time.


He lowkey wanted another kiss but didn't know how to ask

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He lowkey wanted another kiss but didn't know how to ask.

You're probably the most shy person to exist and  he didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable.

Your approach was so incredibly sweet and so soft but his heart nearly burst.

You walked next to him and told him that you had to tell him something so she bent down a little to your level.

when he did, grabbed his face softly and turned his face towards you so you can press the soft kiss on his lips before running away like your life depended on it.

He stared at your retreating form in admiration. He was proud of you for building up the courage but a little disappointed that you ran away since he wanted to kiss you back.

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